Chapter 21: Get the Crystal! Find the Lightning!

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Drac: Y/n's going to keep transforming?!
Ericka: Well, it seems like there's no physical change, right?
Drac: Right, he's just gotten more abilities.
Ericka: Then he's evolving on a purely power level, and it's not going to stop until he becomes a mindless beast! There won't be any Y/n left. That's why we need to find the crystal. Now!
Drac pulled up the map.
Drac: That way! Follow the River!
Ericka: Uh, Drac?
Drac: Straight. Keep going straight.
Ericka: Okay. Straight it is.
She speeds up the car as Drac looks up.
Drac: Wait, wait, wait. What are you doing?!
The car goes up the ramp, and everyone inside screams in fear, when the car transforms into a boat and lands in the river safely, the passengers inside sigh with relief.
Drac: Well, aren't you just full of surprises?
Ericka chuckles as Drac checks the map again.
Drac: That way!
He points forward and the ship roars as it boosts forward.

[With Mavis]

Mavis: Y/n? Y/n, where are you? Y/n?
She flies around and sees the scorch marks on trees, then looks at the sky and sees A thunderstorm moving against the wind, Mavis starts to follow it. She eventually finds Y/n zipping through the forest, lighting crashing very often, she flies down in front of Y/n, making him stop.
Mavis: Y/n! Y/n, stop!
Y/n: M-M-Mavi-s
Mavis: Yes, honey, it's me. Oh, thank goodness, I thought I lost you.
Y/n: C-C-Con-Connection No-Not Los-Lost, B-Body Can-Can-not Con-trol.

[With Drac]

The group on the boat sail through a rock crevice and find themselves in front of the cave with the Crystal.
Drac: That's it. The crystal is in there.
They sail into the cave as the tracker continues to show the path.
Drac: We are getting closer. Okay! We get it!
Ericka: Uh, you okay there, honey?
Drac: Oh, hey. Yes. Everything is fine.
Suddenly, the boat goes over a waterfall, as they fall the group screams, they reach the end of the waterfall and the boat gets thrown around by the rapid waters, until they get launched into a lake, full of geysers erupting with lava, Ericka drove around them the best she could, but the boat bumped A volcano and Murray flew off, Griffin grabbed him and pulled him back into the boat, but Murray's head was on fire, before Griffin blows it out.
Drac: Rocks!
Ericka pressed a button, giving the boat skis on the bottom, letting the boat ramp off the rock and ride atop some lava, which burns through the boat where Wayne was sitting, when they landed in the water, the hole that the lava burned through allowed for water to sprout up into the boat. Wayne grabbed some of the pups, and used them to plug the hole.
Ericka: Uh-oh. Look!
The Stalactites on the roof start to fall, hitting the boat and landing between Drac and Ericka, Frank pulls Eunice close to pull her away from a falling stalactite and puts her wig on, for some reason. The boat continues to float through the water as Stalactites fall, Ericka speeds up to avoid them.
Drac: Whew!
Pup 1: Mom! Wesley's touching me!
Wesley: She touched me first!
The pups then shoot up in a spout of water, whooping and laughing.
Pups: Yeah!
Water starts to fill the boat from the hole.
Eunice: My shoes!
Drac: Ah, we're going down!
Griffin: Sorry, Blobs, you're on your own.
He hands Blobby to Murray, as the monsters start to panic and climb up to find safety.
Eunice: I can't swim! I'm afraid of sharks!
Wayne: Ow! Hey, that's my face!
Wanda: Ouch!
Griffin: You're stepping on me!
Pup: Get out of my way!
Murray: Ow! Hey! Get off my h-- ow!
Ericka: Ow! Oh! -Stop it! Ow!
The boat stops sinking after all the passengers are gathered on Murray's head.
All: Huh?
They look to the side and notice the shore, and the steady beeping of the map.
Drac: We found it.
They approach the hole in the cave cautiously.
Ericka: Let me go first.
Drac: No, let me go.
He gets down on all fours and crawls through the small gap, and turns on a flashlight, the light shines onto a crystal, making it light up, which creates a chain reaction to light the other crystals up.

[With Y/n and Mavis]

Y/n: S-S-Sto-rm B-Brea-k-ing Con-n-trol
Mavis: Y/n! There had to be a way to regain control of your body, right?
Y/n: D-Don-t K-now
A bolt of lightning almost strikes Mavis as Y/n continues to dart around uncontrollably, when Mavis's phone rings, she looks at the ringing phone, then back to Y/n.
Mavis: Sorry, sweetie, got to take this.
The thunderstorm continues to rage as Mavis ducks behind a tree and turns back to a vampire, then answers the phone.
Mavis: Ericka?
Ericka: Mavis, we found the crystal cave.
Mavis: Oh, that's great news.
Ericka: Okay, I'm sending you the location now.
She sends Mavis the location of the crystal.
Mavis: Got it. I'll get him there.
Ericka: Are you sure? Is he close?
Lightning strikes the tree Mavis was standing under.
Mavis: Yep, pretty close.
She lifts a boulder up.
Mavis: Hopefully this works.
She throws the rock at Y/n, which passes through his body, but gets his attention.
Mavis: Hey, sweetie.
Y/n's body starts to move swiftly again, following Mavis as she leads him to the cave.
Phone: Starting route to your destination.

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