Chapter 2: The Attempted Escape

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Y/n: Where are we going?
Drac: A secret tunnel so she does not see us.
Y/n: Huh, okay, hey is the Garlic thing actually true?
Drac: Yes, I cannot have it, though it does not kill us.
Y/n: So, you're like, allergic to it?
Drac: Think of it like being Lactose Intolerant.
Y/n: Ohhhh, okay. I would ask about the wooden stake to the heart but that would kill anything I can think of. Except skeletons, maybe? Or zombies? Okay I can think of a few things that wouldn't die with a wooden stake.
Drac: Oh good, you're intelligent to an extent.
Y/n: So, why did you install this tunnel?
Drac: I made it as an escape incase Humans ever get inside.
Y/n: Huh, you were planning on it being an escape route for monsters and are now using it as an escape for a human? Isn't that ironic?
Drac: I suppose so.
The two exit, right back into the entrance.
Frank: Drac.
Drack: Yes, Frankie?
Frank: Hey buddy, what have you been doing?
Drac, whispering to Y/n: Don't move.
Y/n nodded as Drac turned his attention to the Frankenstien monster.
Drac: Never mind that, what have you been doing?
Wayne: We wanted to practice our big number for Mavis' party, and then these losers wouldn't get off the bandstand.
Drac: Okay. Put down Zombie Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven this moment.
The three monsters put down the zombies.
Drac: Did you get to rehearse at all, Zombie Beethoven?
Zombie Beethoven: Eh Eh Eh.
Y/n started to zone out until Drac elbowed him.
Frank: Wait, who is that?
Y/n, whispering to Drac: Are these monsters going to kill me?
Drac: Not if they think you're a monster.
Y/n: That seems a little racist.
Drac: We'll talk about that later.
Y/n: Uh, I'm Y/n! You're...right arm's cousin...who married a woman...who was...uh...executed...for killing a pig
Frank: I have pig killing blood in my right arm? Cool.
Griffin: So, what brings you here, Y/n?
Y/n looked around for a second before seeing A floating pair of glasses.
Y/n: Oh, I'm helping Drac with Mavis' party.
The group continues to talk and Y/n kind of zones out until Drac gets his attention again, the two went to prepare the party, which wasn't too far away.

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