Chapter 8: Pup Party

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Drac woke Dennis up to try to teach him how to be a bat, when Mavis walked in to put him back to bed, Y/n followed after her, still a little tired after his long day in the kitchen, after Quasimodo was arrested for trying to eat Y/n, he had to take up the position of the Chef.
Mavis: Why are you two dancing?
Y/n: I...don't think I have the energy for this, I'll see you all later!
As Mavis and Drac kept talking about Dennis, Y/n went back to the birthday party for Wayne's pups, and to his surprise, Mavis brought Dennis down.
Y/n: Oh, hey buddy, I thought you were asleep.
Dennis: Dadda! Mommy let me stay up for the party!
Y/n picked Dennis up and brought him inside.
Mavis: Why do you carry him so much?
Y/n: I'm taking every chance I get to be able to hold him before he's too old to be held.
Dennis got more excited as they walked into the party and Y/n put the small boy down to let him go play.
Mavis: Maybe I was being too overprotective.
Y/n: Live and Learn, darling, live and learn.
Mavis and Y/n watched Dennis from afar as one of Wayne's pups, Winnie, ran up to Dennis.
Winnie: Dennis! I love you! Zing!
Dennis: Hi, Winnie.
Winnie: I love your yummy blackberry locks! Zing! Zing!
Wanda: Winnie, give him some space, hon. I'm sorry, Mavis.
Mavis: It's okay, Aunt Wanda. They're just playing. Holy Rabies! Limbo? I used to love that game!
Dracula: Get in there, Mavey!
Mavis: Really? But I'm a parent now.
Wayne: Y/n just slid under the bar on his knees, Mavis, go ahead.
Y/n: Phew, still got it.
Mavis went after Y/n, and walked up behind him as he brushed off his pants, him grinning like an idiot, clearly happy he "still got it"
Mavis: Still got what, honey?
Y/n: Oh, just worried I was getting rusty with my flexibility, and acrobatics.
Mavis: Oh I'm sure you're still just fine with your skills.
A pinata then dropped from the ceiling and the pups scrambled to get it, devouring all the candy.
Y/n: Why do I have a terrible feeling something catastrophic is about to happen?
Dennis: I got a candy!
Y/n: Oh, never mind, what kind of candy did you get, Dennis?
Dennis showed Y/n the candy, A cookies and cream Hershey's bar.
Y/n: Ah, the candy of kings.
Mavis: The sun is coming up, we gotta get Dennis to his classes.
Y/n: Honey, I'll take him, I can't let you go outside during the day, okay?
Drac: What's wrong with our classes here, like kid yoga?
Mavis: Well, we were thinking about moving somewhere safer, like California where Y/n grew up. Come on Honey, we gotta go.
Winnie: Zing, zing?
Drac: Mavey, wait. You can't mean that.
Y/n walked past Drac.
Drac: You're in on this? The leaving?
Y/n: Well, I'd personally like him to experience both worlds and decide for himself which world he wants to be a part of.
Drac: Ah, I see.
Y/n: Both worlds have their own beauties and dangers, I just want him to decide for himself.
Following his wife, Y/n jogged up to Mavis and Dennis, grabbing Dennis as he reached out for him.
A while later, Y/n was working in the kitchen to get breakfast ready for everyone when Drac called for him.
Y/n: What's up Drac?
Drac: I was thinking, maybe you and Mavis could go on a small vacation together, back to the town where you grew up, so she can see it for herself for the first time maybe? I can watch Dennis so you two can have your alone time.
Y/n: Well, if you can watch Dennis, I suppose, but what about the kitchen? Someone would need to cook the food, I can't just-
Drac: I'll get a replacement chef, simple as that, now go convince Mavey, you two deserve a vacation.
Y/n: Well, alright.

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