Chapter 9: Vacation

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Y/n and Mavis were packed and ready to go as Mavis was telling Drac how to properly take care of Dennis while Y/n made sure the car couldn't get any harmful rays of sunlight into the passenger seat where Mavis would be.
Mavis: I love you, Dennis.
Dennis: I love you too, Mommy!
Y/n: Stay out of trouble, little man.
Dennis laughed as Y/n ruffled his hair. After the two said goodbye, they were driving away as Drac held Dennis.
Y/n: Are you nervous?
Mavis: Of course! What if something happens to Dennis?
Y/n: With Drac around? He made a fake village to get you to stay in the hotel, if anyone knows how to be overprotective, it's him.
Mavis: You're right, where are we going again?
Y/n: Back to my hometown, so you can see it for yourself before we make any final decisions.
Mavis: Ooh! Sounds great!
Y/n: I thought you'd like the idea.
After A small while in the car, and a few conversations (And Y/n slipping in as many flirty lines as he can) Mavis pulls out her phone.
Mavis: I'm gonna call to make sure they're okay.
Y/n: Uh, are you sure? Based on where we are now and the time, 4:00 pm, it's only 1:00 am there, Dennis isn't even up right now Babe.
After a long drive, an even longer flight, and a short drive they decided on their first stop, or rather, Mavis did, a skatepark not too far away from where Y/n lived as a child.
Y/n: Are you sure? It took a while to learn how to ride a bike, let alone a skateboard.
Mavis: I'll be fine, I rock these bikes!
She kicked off and did a few tricks in the air, landing in front of Y/n and the others at the park.
Y/n: That's my wife, suckers.
Mavis then dragged Y/n away to A mini-mart and wanted to try the icee flavors, so Y/n paid for the large cup while Mavis tried all the drinks at rapid speeds. When the two left, Mavis realized it would probably be around 3 am in Transylvania, when Dennis wakes up, so she called her dad to make sure everything was okay.
Drac: Yep! Everything's okay here at the hotel!
Mavis: Oh, alright
Drac: How are things over there? Are you having a good time?
Mavis: We're having a blast!
Drac: What have you done?
Mavis: We just went Biking and Mini-marting!
Y/n: I don't think Mini-marting is a verb.
Mavis: Is Dennis okay?
Drac: Yep, do you want to see him?
Mavis: Of course!
Y/n looked over Mavis' shoulder as Drac showed Dennis, easing the two parents' worries. The call then started to break up, so they ended the call.
Y/n: It's a relief to see him safe.
Mavis: Yea, it really is.
Y/n and Mavis drove the rest of the way to Y/n's childhood home, where they were greeted by Y/n's parents.
M/n: Aww, there you two are!
She hugged the two and told them how excited they were that the two were staying over before inviting them inside and showing them to their room. The two walked in and it was a lot like Mavis' room in Transylvania, but also mixed with elements of Y/n' childhood room.
The two went into the room and started unpacking, when they finished they came back out of the room.
M/n: Now, let's go get some food, I'm sure you're hungry!
Mavis: Oh, thank you!

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