Intermission: Radioactivity

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It was early in the morning, which meant it was time for monsters to go to bed. After Dennis was put to bed, Y/n and Mavis went to bed, Y/n closed the blinds for the two and layed down, as the two started to doze off, Mavis broke the silence.
Mavis: Y/n, can you please turn off that light?
Y/n: What light?
Mavis: That F/c light, Y/n.
Y/n: I don't have any light on...or am charged...
Mavis: What?
She sat up and looked at her husband.
Mavis: Y/n.
Y/n: Yes?
Mavis: Your hair is glowing.
Y/n: What?
Mavis: The ends of your hair are glowing right now.
Y/n: ...That's concerning, we should probably get this checked.
And that's exactly what they did, the two made a visit to Van Helsing in the hotel basement to get an examination.
Van Helsing: Well, Y/n, based on the tests that I have run today, it seems your body is, for a lack of better terms, evolving.
Y/n: Evolving how?
Van Helsing: As in, you are skipping thousands of generations in evolution just by simply existing, your body is adapting to your surroundings, in a way making you an unnatural human/monster hybrid.
Y/n: How exactly is my body changing?
Van Helsing: Well, for one, you no longer have a tailbone, since humans don't have a need for a tail, and secondly, your energy is radioactive now.
Y/n: Run that by me one more time?
Van Helsing: You are Radioactive, my dear boy, like, uhhh, Godzilla!
Y/n: Wait, he's real?
Mavis: Yeah, if you know about him how didn't you know he was real?
Y/n: There are a lot of human movie about Godzilla, okay wait so, what IS his origin? Is he a mutated lizard or a god?
Mavis: Both.
Y/n: How is he- nevermind, okay, so I'm Radioactive, how harmful is this Radiation?
Van Helsing: Well, it's too dispersed to actually do any damage, it's only when you focus it that it does damage.
Y/n: Huh, okay then.
Van Helsing: Well, that should be everything.
Y/n: Wait, you've never seen the Godzilla movies, Mavis?
Mavis: No? Why are they good?
Y/n and Van Helsing looked at each other, Van Helsing then wheeled away and brought A TV in while Y/n ran off and grabbed Popcorn. The two set things up quickly and somehow managed to wrangle Dracula and Erika into the room, well Erika was the one to wrangle Dracula, Godzilla movies just have that kind of pull of the Van Helsing family, it seems. Needless to say, the rest of that day was spent binge watching every movie in the Monsterverse.

Hey sorry for not uploading for a long time! I'm working on the next Arc, but I couldn't find a way to add golems, so there's gonna be a change of plans for the story, sorry if you wanted to see the golem story, I just couldn't find a way to get it to work naturally.

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