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noun ~ detailed examination of the elements or structure of something


I collapsed into the car with a soft groan. We had a long drive ahead, and I was so tired of paperwork.

"I think I will avoid all paper for the next week." I groaned.

"You still have every pack to do. This was only the first one." Nova shook her head, laughing.

I glared at her as she squeezed into the spot beside me. "So do you."

"I know." She mused. "But we did it."

"You did great, my love." Phoenix murmured as the door shut behind him.

"So did you, my love." I teased.

His eyes snapped to mine, glaring a hole into my skull. "Did you find anything?"

I noticed he pressed a button that closed the soundproof divider between us and the two guards. It always amused me; we could just mind-link. Which is exactly what I was going to do.

Bro, this is private. Why are you closing the damn divider? I snorted a laugh.

Phoenix scowled when Nova agreed. 'Okay, so what did you find?'

That's a very vague question.

His scowl didn't move, glaring at me with agitation. 'Did you find anything to be concerned about?'

Well, it was abnormally warm. I commented. The pack land wasn't very large either.

'Be serious.' Nova giggled.

Rolling my eyes, I glanced out at the dimming sky. I have been serious all day; I have to let it out!

'How did it go with Evan?'

He's a naïve, nosey douche. I shrugged. Tried to pry questions from me about Nova. I doubt he was even a beta blood. He couldn't stand up for himself.

'What did he ask?' Nova wondered.

Claimed he heard rumours you were this all-powerful wolf whose babies made men fall to their knees. I mused. And asked if your blood really was magical enough to heal and turn humans.

'Rumours spread fast.' Phoenix hummed.

I nodded. I think he was given the orders to ask questions. All he did was hint and gesture about the integrity of our pack and leaders. He was too nosey to be polite.

'They have sent no formal complaints to us, but Tobias seemed eager to be allies.' Phoenix stated.

How did it go with him? I asked.

'Very informative to be fair.' Nova chirped. 'He told us about his standards, rules and even the punishments of a misstep.'

So, he wasn't a major douche as well?

'On the contrary, he is a rather fitting alpha.' Phoenix muttered.

I smirked. How disappointing.

His eyes glinted as he looked at me over Nova's head. I know he wanted to hurt that pack for Nova's past mistreatment, but we were strictly on business. And it seems we have underestimated Tobias. Looks like we may have another ally.

A beta wolf still isn't powerful enough to resist other alphas. I stated. His time will come where somebody threatens him and it will be a test to his power.

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by Heather Miller
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