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noun ~ a period of learning or teaching


I can't believe I stole something from someone. How horrible of a person could I be? I needed to control my temper, tamper down my wolf. He whined at me, bowing his head as my anger turned to him.

It wasn't his fault exactly, but the guilt that ate at me, the worst I felt.

With a terrified shake to my step, I jogged my way back to the village. The man wasn't there anymore; of course he wasn't. It had been four hours, and the sun was setting. I had to hunt him down. Lifting my head, I searched for him through the village until I came to a large home, with soft amber lighting. Nervously, I sat a house away, watching them through the windows.

He had a wife and a daughter, barely over five, and they happily ate dinner around a happy table. When finished, the little girl excitedly ran circles around her dad as he exclaimed it was bath time, before his wife took her upstairs. When they disappeared, he fell onto a dining chair with his hands in his hair.

It was now or never.

Nerves eating at my stomach, I thought I may pass out as I raised my fist and knocked on the door. I could hear him grow closer and held my breath when he opened the door. My eyes widened as he recognised me, a nasty snarl of distaste spewing from his lips. I cringed as my gift tuned into him like a radio, screeching and shouting with his fury.

"It's you! You brat! You thief!" He snapped, grabbing me by the shirt.

I flushed, embarrassed, as my ears burned. With a silent bow of my head, I pulled the bag out from behind me and passed it to him. His seething stopped as he held his breath, and I was aware he was staring at the bag with confusion. His large fingers released me and took the bag, peering inside.

"What did you take?" He hissed.

"Nothing." I whispered.

He grunted. "I'll see for myself."

I watched him through hooded eyes as he checked the boots and gift before opening his wallet and looking in every crevice. His anger dissipated, and the more it left, the more I relaxed. Then he mellowed, and when guilt ate at him, I winced.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "You didn't deserve it."

He sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. "On the contrary, it has taught me I need to look after my things better. I have been careless."

My eyebrows furrowed as he ran his eyes along my form. "Where are you from? I'm not sure I have seen you before."

"I'm from... far away." I admitted.

"Your parents?"

I swallowed harshly, looking away. "I'm alone."

What was he going to do? Call the authorities?

"I see." He murmured. "Do you have a place to stay?"

My eyes unwillingly drifted to the trees behind me, and I nodded. "Yeah."

He hummed, observing me again. "Are you sure? We have a spare room."

I met his gaze, gritting my teeth and nodding my head. I wasn't about to stay around this guy's house after I stole something from him. He would probably kill me when I'm not expecting it.

"I'm sure." I muttered.

"Very well." He grunted. "I am Antoine, your name?"

"Pollux." I replied.

"Right, Pollux. We can let bygones be." He nodded. "Meet me in the market square tomorrow morning. Eight-thirty sharp."

I swallowed, but mutely nodded. He smiled softly, scanning my appearance once more before patting me on my bare shoulder. I should've put on another t-shirt. I flinched involuntarily, thinking he was actually going to choke me to death. His eyes shifted to concern, so I was quick to mutter a goodbye and leave.

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