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Nova telling me she knew the wolf should not have come as a surprise. Yet it did.

I had a feeling using Nova to sniff the strange wolf out would benefit us, yet the fact it worked shocked me. The extra icing was that it was someone that tied into this whole shithole of a coup.

Now we lay silently staring up at the ceiling. I could hear the soft breathing of the twins in the next room, and the gentle tinkle of a spoon as Phoenix stirred the tea. Then came his footsteps, and I turned to Nova with an expectant look.

What... You have to tell Phoenix. I muttered.

She sighed. 'I will.'


'After my tea.'

You may need a coffee, or a triple shot of vodka. I quirked an eyebrow.

She laughed softly. 'I can't have vodka!'

Why not? I frowned.


My eyes widened, surprised. You're pregnant again?

"What? No!" she shrieked aloud.

A knock sounded on the door as Phoenix entered the room. "Everything okay?"

His eyes scanned us on the bed, a frown marring his features. Nova had shot up at her refusal of giving us all more spawns, and with a roll of my eyes, I pushed myself up to sit as well.

"We're fine." She huffed. "Charlie thinks I am pregnant."

"You are?" Phoenix frowned, nostrils flaring. "You are not."

"Exactly." Nova rolled her eyes. "Stop jumping to conclusions!"

Phoenix handed Nova her tea before placing another mug on the bedside table. Realising it was for me, I grinned up at him with thanks. He made me one; how cute.

"What did you say that made him think such a thing?" Phoenix chuckled.

"He wanted to know why I couldn't drink alcohol."

"Because of the babies." Phoenix frowned at me.

"That's exactly what she said!" I scoffed. "Tell me it doesn't sound like you're expecting again and I shall drop it."

His frown deepened, humming as he sipped from his own mug. "No, he's right. It does sound like that."

Nova huffed, staring at me. "Breastfeeding. You can have a little without it affecting them, but I think a few shots of vodka would not be good."

"Damn, so after an entire pregnancy of no alcohol or sushi, you have to not have alcohol again? How are you meant to get through the stress?" I tutted. "Backwards shit."

Nova's soft laughter seemed to melt the stressed ice around her heart, and the tea did the rest of it. Within ten minutes of idle chitchat, her shoulders slowly relaxed.

"You going to tell him now?" I probed.

She scowled at me for ratting her out. I couldn't help it; she was taking too long.

"Tell me what?" Phoenix scowled. "Did something happen?"

"Shush, lower your voice." She tutted, and Phoenix rolled his eyes with a lazy smirk.

I couldn't help but snort with soft laughter. Phoenix rolling his eyes or showing any complex emotion was always hilarious. I could never forget the first time he produced a sarcastic comment in front of me. He was such a reserved grouch; I loved it when he slipped up or relaxed more.

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