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adjective ~ tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen


I lay on my side across the foot of the bed as Nova tended to a gurgling Freddy. He must've been going through a growth spurt because the two-hour feed window had halved this week. Nova took it well though, despite the interrupted sleep.

My eyes dropped to Belle on the bed as she squirmed and made an odd sound. My lips curled, staring down into her dark blue eyes with wonder. She looked so much like both of us, I couldn't help but appreciate her at every moment.

Tiny fingers and toes and even tinier nails. She curled her fingers into fists and she threw her arms dramatically in the air. Her lips pouted with frustrated excitement, the dark curl across her forehead shifting with every heavy breath. Her legs kicked, causing me to chuckle as I shifted my hand to pinch her toes.

The sheer size difference of my hand and her torso never failed to astound me. The past few months have passed in a blur, and tomorrow the twins would be at the doctor's for their twelve-week check-up.

My hand was the size of her torso now, my daughter filling out nicely. Freddy wasn't far behind, and I knew this 'cluster feed' would wear off soon and he would reap the benefits of it. Nova was doing well, so fucking well, by not letting it affect her. She hasn't cried in a few days, which I called a record.

"A-ha!" Nova hollered.

It caused Freddy to jolt, staring up at her with an incredulous expression. She blushed, apologising to him, but he just grinned a hearty toothless smile. Nova, momentarily distracted by her son, allowed the book to slip closed. I watched as her slight fingers trailed the curve of Freddy's smile, cooing down at him.

I glanced at Belle, quirking an eyebrow. "Think she realises she lost her page?"

My daughter grinned, her fingers curling and palming as she reached for me. I heard Nova curse and groan, glancing at her to see her pick up the book. Freddy was no longer on her lap. Instead, he lay on his stomach, staring across at me at the foot of the bed. I waved, reaching to pat the bed before him. His eyes followed the movement, his lips parted as he spluttered complaints.

"Mate, it's a bed. It's not the floor this time." I tutted at him.

"Did you just say 'mate'?" Nova wondered.

Looking up at her, I shrugged. "Maybe."

She blinked, taken aback, before looking back at the book in her lap. "This is some parallel universe."

I chuckled softly, dropping my attention to her fingers as she trailed it across the various pages. She was muttering to herself, her eyes glowing with the aid of her wolf. I recognised some Latin words, but the rest jumbled together in her hurry.

A loud a-ha escaped her again, and I assumed she found the page she was looking for.

"I got it! Again." She chirped. "It's at the bloody beginning. I was looking near the end this whole time. Damn magical book."

"Care to tell me what 'it' is?" I wondered.

"I was getting there." She nodded, grinning. "Gaia told me riddles."

"As usual." I mused.

Nova smirked. "I told her what happened about me teleporting and Theia came to visit."

"I like how we just call it teleporting now." I chuckled.

Rolling her eyes, she shifted the book in her grip. "I told Gaia about the whole 'have hope' thing that Theia told you, and that you have been told it before. She agreed witches liked to talk in riddles, but then she asked me, more than once, if I was sure I haven't heard it before myself."

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