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noun ~ the unpleasant results or effects of an action or event


The day after the attack, I woke with Nova draped over me. My alarm was blaring on the bedside table and I wearily smashed it to quieten. My arms wrapped around Nova, squeezing her tighter to me. I inhaled her scent as she grumbled, her fingers digging into my sides.

I hummed softly, enjoying the moment for a while longer. Yesterday was too stressful. The very fear of her running head first toward some rogue wolves had nearly rendered me unconscious. Every time my little mate got herself into trouble, I feared for the rest of her life, wanting nothing more than to wrap her in bubble wrap. And yet last night, when I thought I would come to a bloodied site of flesh and bones, I didn't.

Nova covered in blood, having killed the rogues that harmed her friend, had shocked me. I partly wished I was there to witness it, to see the luna in action. Because that's what she truly embodied now; coming into her role so effortlessly. Protecting her pack, her land, and acting as a wolf should when dealing with any threats.

It was oddly enthralling.

Nova stirred in my arms, another soft sigh escaping her as she peered her eyes open. "What time is it?"

I kissed her forehead. "Six-thirty."

She groaned. "Are they still asleep?"

"Yes. I have to work early today." I murmured.

"Okay." she whined, rolling away from me. "Love you."

I chuckled, returning my devotions, as she snuggled back into the bed, pulling the heavy blanket up to her head. Within seconds she was back asleep, and I left the warmth to go ready myself for the day.

After coming home last night, we had showered before even going near the twins. Then, after a half-an-hour catch up with her mother, she phoned Pollux. By the end of it all, Nova was exhausted, despite her vision-induced nap, and I had to practically drag her into the bathroom. The water thankfully woke her up, and for a moment, we cuddled gratefully with our babies before collapsing back into bed.

We still needed to talk about her going crazy with the training. She thought she was sneaky, but she seemed to forget the scent of Sean, sweat, and mud remained in her hair and the rooms she entered after exercising. A walk would not produce so much sweat, and despite closing the mate bond, I could tell she was working hard. I was waiting for her to tell me herself, but I noticed the changes almost instantly.

I didn't mind her working out. In fact, I was glad she was so focused. I just didn't want her to do it for the wrong reasons. In a way, we were lucky she was even training so hard. If Calida was attacked a year ago, I couldn't imagine Nova then going against rogues out for blood. The training had strengthened her, and made her smarter, to the point she could get the kill.

I expected tears. I expected regret. What I did not expect was such a quick acceptance of the events. I wasn't sure if I should linger, in case it caught up to her and her mind tumbled, but she insisted she knew what she had done.

She had hardened her mind as much as her body the past few months. The reasons were not something we have discussed in detail, but Sean insisted it was for her own personal gain.

Shaking my head, I entered the kitchen. In the background I could hear the twins fussing, having only slept twenty minutes longer than I. Nova groaned softly, the bed creaking as she sat up and walked toward the cribs on the other side of the room. She was muttering to them as she cradled them, but she wasn't as mad as she sounded. Despite her exhausted state, she was calm.

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