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noun ~ a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds


The party was in full swing, loud laughter and music filling the room. My eyes kept trailing toward my mate, finding her lingering behind our alpha couple with a soft smile. They introduced her to many who held an interest in the female given such a high honour, and I scowled with jealousy.

Oh, how I wished to be introducing her as the beta's mate.

She was mine, not theirs.

I huffed, stood to the side watching the crowd like a statue. Wherever Pollux went, I had to be within ten feet of him. He was surprisingly social after a couple of drinks, the less scary twin relaxing as the night went on.

I have only had one drink, and I was itching to join in. My beast was restless for some reason, and I knew that having a drink would settle him. Why he was restless? I wasn't sure. It had been a while since he was so tetchy, but I think he was just jealous.

Calida becoming more comfortable around us made the bond stronger, and he sure was feeling the effects of it. He was a rather feral wolf, and his sudden appearance in my mind was making me feel on edge.

I can't remember the last time I wolfed out. I always had a good hold on him.

My eyes caught those of my alpha, who gave me one of his 'dad' looks. Despite the urge to roll my eyes at his wondrous concern, I nodded stiffly and turned my attention to the male he was about to speak to. They have been wandering the room for over ninety minutes. The last few people to approach were bitter, single alphas who held no interest in the new royal-lycan pups.

This one was no different, a fake smile with an overly firm handshake. Alpha Grey. An arrogant man with a good-sized pack, he was one who was still rather old-fashioned.

I noticed Nova's uncertainty more so than Phoenix's. She was always a woman to have her emotions on her sleeve, but she was learning to hide them since taking her job more seriously. However, even with that, I could notice the tense shoulders and scrutiny in her eyes. She hardly touched anybody either. I assumed it was because of her gift being AWOL lately.

I hope she didn't see any futures that involved me. I tended to make an embarrassment for myself.

Scrunching my nose, I made eye contact with Sean. He stood closer to the alpha pair, his stone-cold grey eyes locked onto the visiting alpha. Looking around, I made a note of every single guard, as I did every ten minutes. Once I counted all fourteen, I shifted my gaze back to Pollux.

Only to curse when I realised he had disappeared.

The little shit.

I groaned softly, hoping Phoenix wouldn't notice my mishap. Or worse; Nova.

I don't think she even knew the entire concept of the guards tonight, Phoenix keeping it quiet. He didn't want to worry her any more than she already was. All of us knew how nervous she was for tonight, and yet she was taking it with a broad smile and graceful step.

Shaking my head, I focused my attention on finding Pollux. His scent was strong, a more masculine hint of what Nova was before she bonded to Phoenix. It trailed from his last spot to the food table before drifting outside. I followed, keeping myself scarce as I passed the food, scooping up a sandwich on the way.

They latched the door open, letting in a cool summer breeze. Looking around the dull lit sky, my eyes locked onto my target. I faltered in my steps, noticing the sunken shoulders as he stood alone. Pollux was leaning against the patio's fence, his arms crossed as he leaned his weight onto the wood. His head was tilted upward as he gazed at the treeline beyond the stars.

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