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noun ~ hormone that triggers the fight or flight response to prepare the body for exertion


"Come on! Rain is coming!" I urged.

Sean huffed. "I think we have done enough racing today, Nova. I don't want to push you."

I was out of breath, panting. But despite that, the burning adrenaline through my body kept my going. My legs ached, my arms shaking as we turned around to run home.

"I know!"

"Slow down then!" He huffed.

Shaking my head, I slowed my pace to a gentle jog. Sean stared down at me, his arms tilted upward as we moved through the trees.

"I thought jogging like this was bad on your joints." I panted.

"Just breathe, Nova." He hummed.

"I am breathing."

"Breath better."

Rolling my eyes, I laughed shakily. "Yes, boss."

Sean chuckled, shaking his head at me. "You are insane."

"Thanks?" I wondered. "I will take that as a compliment."

"You do that." He snickered.

We continued to meander through the forest at our granny pace, and I took more time to admire the nature surrounding us. The sun was setting, and it made my chest ache. Everything was just so beautiful. I loved living here. I loved the trees, the animals, the plants, the sky.

Nature was magnificent, and I couldn't help but slow down to a stop as I admired the view through the trees.

"What have you found?" Sean wondered, stopping behind me.

"Beauty." I whispered.

He hummed, gazing at the sunset in the distance. "It gets pretty weird if you think about it."

"What does?" I asked, without looking away.

"Nature, days, time." He breathed. "The sun going down and the moon taking over. The waves moving, the earth not exploding or falling out of the universe."

"That got dramatic fast." I laughed, looking at him.

He shrugged, a lazy smile on his face. "It's just... mind-boggling."

"Isn't everything?" I smirked. "Isn't that what makes it so amazing?"

His eyes softened as he looked down at me. "That's one way to look at it. You ready to keep moving?"

I glanced back at the setting sun and surrounding warmth through the trees. Soon it would rain, and the grey clouds behind us would dampen the sky. The smell of petrichor would flow through the treeline and all the creatures would burrow in the safety of their homes. Rain was comforting, it reminded me of cosy nights and warmth in a secure environment.

I hoped Pollux would be okay. I didn't want him to get too wet. Maybe the rain wouldn't reach him? He was travelling fairly far and I haven't spoken to him in a few days.

"Yeah, let's..."

My voice drifted away as my senses suddenly became on high alert. Like a beacon, I turned to glance over my right shoulder. Something within me ached, a startling shooting suffocating my chest. Everything felt silent as the whoosh of my breath echoed through my ears, and I stared into the darkening trees with suspicion.

"Nova..." Sean wondered.

I ignored him, concentrating on the gut-wrenching feeling in my stomach. It gnawed at me, warning me of something. I have felt this before, and the outcome was never good. It didn't feel good at all.

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