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noun ~ a severe headache or other after effects caused by drinking an excess of alcohol


The morning after the party was something that I did not look forward to.

As a lycan, my digestive system was one so similar to humans. With a lower magical blood flow and metabolism, werewolves beat me at most things. Drinking was one of them.

Charlie had successfully got me drunk. I think I got to my eighth glass of rum did I realise, and by then, it was too late.

The party was a blur, with Charlie being mostly sober. He didn't leave my side all night, and I found it rather comical how attune he was. It was like a little meerkat; always on the lookout.

There were a lot of guards at the party, even Sean being roped into guard duty. Thankfully, it kept Nova at ease, and her emotions were steady throughout the entire night. As the night grew darker, the emotions grew lighter. So many people were joyous, taking advantage of Phoenix's generosity.

Rubbing my forehead, I remembered a male who had my stomach twisting uncomfortably. And not in the good way. I wasn't sure of his name, but I knew he was not from around here. He reeked of egotistical alpha, and I frowned whenever we made eye contact.

Starting my day with a shower, I groaned into the tiles.

I hate Charlie.

I was definitely moving away from his uncanny ability to get me drunk.

After the rum, I turned to pints, and it just felt wrong. I wasn't a lager drinker! I dreaded what that beer made me speak. I had a loose tongue when drunk. Hence, why I hardly drank.

And then it was gin, and that made me feel much better. The sourness of lemonade was so much better than the yeast of beer.

It was such a man's drink; stereotypically, of course. It wasn't that much of a pleasant drink, and not one I would particularly start out with. It was bitter, and heavy on your stomach. Why have that when you could have something fruity, sweet and glittery?

Once fresh and half-awake for the day, I left my room and trudged my way toward the kitchen. I was pretty sure it was lunchtime; from the brief glance I gave the bright screen of my phone when I woke.

Entering the dining hall, I fixed myself a cup of coffee from one of the various instant machines, opting for a cappuccino. Wolves idled around me, but the major business was happening in the chef's kitchen and the buffet.

I need coffee first, then I can think about food.

Leaning against the counter's side, I scanned my best route for a table. One where nobody sat, and nobody would bug me. It was busier in here today, thanks to Phoenix allowing wolves to stay if they lived too far away.

Meandering my way to the most spacious of tables, I settled down into a chair with my coffee. Sighing contently, I sipped steadily at the burning liquid, welcoming the heat down my throat. People watching was a favourite of mine, and I allowed myself to disconnect for a while.

Once the coffee was well and gone, I helped myself to some food. Craving potato, I piled fries of all kinds onto my plate before finishing it with a burger. Juicy.

Smirking, I carried it back to my still-unoccupied seat and sat down. Back to people watching. Most of the pack were vanishing. The weekend was never usually busy at midday. The wolves that were not from this pack stood out the most, awkwardly looking around as they gathered around one table. I noticed an alpha from last night, the one who kept staring at everybody.

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