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noun ~ a thick cloud of tiny water droplets near the earth's surface that obscures visibility


A sharp gasp evaded me as a vision struck me. Looking around, my eyes were wide as I tried to see through the fog. I was in a dark forest; the stars blurring and shifting in the sky above me. I went to take a step but stumbled, the damp atmosphere causing my lungs to constrict. My breath puffed out in front of me, my arms wrapping around my body as a chill seeped into my bones.

"Hello?" I called.

Nobody answered, and I hissed as I traipsed my way through the dense trees. It was rocky and uneven, and I had to guide myself along the tree branches to find my way around without falling. My teeth were chattering, fingers turning white with cold as I walked through this damn forest in only a t-shirt and leggings.

Could my vision not prepare me better? Give me a coat next time?

I huffed as I came to a small clearing, looking up at the sky to gauge where I was. The sight of a full moon startled me. The moment I saw it through the fog, a sharp cry echoed through the trees. Dread settled in my stomach, pooling with unease at the terrifying noise.

"Help me!"

It was... Calida?

My blood ran cold at the sound of a snarl.

She was in trouble.

Without thinking, I ran. The once uneven ground seemed to smooth out, and I ran as though I was gliding on ice. I followed the sound of growling and panicked cries. Calida's cries turned from terror to pain, sobs escaping her with the smell of her tears. I stumbled to a stop, panic lacing my heart.

"Calida!" I called, hoping that this vision was one where I was physically present.

"Nova! Charlie! Please!" She sobbed before something cut her voice off.

The snarl returned, as did the scent of blood. I changed my direction, finding the position had moved further to the left. This time when I ran, the twigs and roots of trees stood in my way. It slowed me down, tripping me over until my hands became bloodied with pain. My knees were muddy, clothes soaked in the damp, frosty mud.

My blood boiled, the cold no longer eating at my skin as I ran. My wolf was growling, fur sprouting on my skin as the fresh scent of pain and blood met my nose.

What's going on? I gasped.

Celimene paced, wanting to shift. 'I am unsure.'

Suddenly, Calida's cries vanished, and an eery quiet echoed around the forest. My pace slowed, breath ragged as I came to the source of the blood. There, beneath a large willow tree, were fresh patches of blood. Calida's clothes lay ragged, smeared with blood and the scent of fear. There was a large mound of dirt and matted hair and horror settled into my bones.

Sticks cracked from behind the tree, and I looked up with bated breath. Through the dark, dense fog of the trees, a wolf emerged. It was deep brown, with a greyish white underbelly. Its front paws were as grey as its underbelly, but its back two were the same dark brown. It growled as it emerged, claws curving into the damp soil beneath it. Blood coated its claws and jowls and I swallowed harshly as its dark eyes wandered.

It lowered its head, growling toward the other side of the clearing. Another deeper growl sounded, one with more authority, and I turned just in time to see a brown wolf come from behind another tree. I instantly recognised this wolf. Its fur was a rich chocolate, ears tipped with a dark brown, so dark it was near-black in this low-lighting.

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