chapter forty-three

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warning: not proof-read, a little suggestive at the end.

chapter forty-three

“Are you girls ready?” your smile was wide while watching the ladies lined up for the catching of the bride’s bouquet.

Jungwon and his friend’s are at the side, smirking. They’re enjoying how goofy the scene was. It was cute and hilarious for them.

“Fifty bucks, Aelia noona won’t catch it.” Ni-ki took a sip from his champagne and waits for his Sunghoon hyung’s comment.

Jungwon smirks and glanced at the direction of his friends. Sunoo laughed and Heeseung as well.

“Come on, give Aelia some faith.” Sunoo.

“If she catches it, I’m not inviting you to our wedding.” Sunghoon responds and glanced back at the scene. He smiles gently seeing his girl trying to push forward the other ladies to get a proper view.

“Damn, what a petty asshole. What are you, five?” Jake asks chuckling.

Ni-ki laughed, not threatened by what his hyung said. He knew he will invite him to their wedding.

“Even if she doesn’t catch it, Sunghoon hyung will still marry her anyway. Why are you so tensed about it?” Jungwon even nudges his hyung lightly.

The boys laughed at his comment, but Sunghoon ignores them.

Go baby! Push them all away, I got you!” he shouts that caught almost everybody’s attention. Some laughed but Jay and Jake swat him over his arm.

“Hey! My girl’s at the crowd, don’t teach your girl to play dirty.” Jake even told Sunghoon.

Almost everyone shuts up the moment you turned around, attempting to throw your bouquet to the ladies. Your heart is so happy, but also a little curious on whose going to catch it. Of course, a part of you wishes it would be Aelia.

Sunghoon holds his breath and watch carefully. He never tears his eyes off from where his girl at. Jungwon smirks and looked at you, enjoying the thrill of throwing it.

“Go throw it already, bunny. So we can go to our villa.” he whispers under his breath, hoping and praying you can get his message.

Jungwon jolted when someone claps his shoulder a bit too hard. He cranes his neck to the side and meet with Jay’s eyes. Beside him is his Heeseung hyung, smirking.

“You better do it right tonight, Jungwon. Goodluck, brother.” Heeseung raised his fist and Jungwon bumped it with a playful smirk.

Jay was quick to scowl, “Ew, don’t even think of talking that way in front of me. Just thinking about me makes me feel cringey for my sister.” once again on his older brother mode.

Jungwon chuckles and smirked at his hyung. “I’m going to make love with y/n so hard that you will hear her from your villa.” he finished it with a very teasing smile.

Heeseung burst into laughter while Jay showed a disgusted face and even gestured to cover his ears.

“I’m going to ask for another villa.” he stated that made Jungwon laugh.

He was about to tease him more, but they all whipped their heads towards the side after hearing Sunghoon’s loud cheers. Their friends are teasing him and they followed his line of sight only to see Aelia holding the bouquet.

You jumped in joy as you approached your friend to cheer her on.

“May I call the groom in front so he can take off the wedding garter from the bride and throw it to the gentlemen.”

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