chapter thirty

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chapter thirty

There are times that it seems like Jungwon’s opening up already, but sometimes he feels distant too. You don’t understand if you’re doing something wrong or he’s just really like that. Injang said that you should just go on with his phase, normally they will eventually open up.

“I told you your boyfriend is crazy for you! Jaime said she was given a big bonus because Jungwon put the bar under his protection.” Lara said through the phone.

“For real?” you asked surprised. She chuckled on the other line and you can hear her rummaging towards something.

“Real! Me and Jaime are actually packing right now for a one week vacation because her boss gave her tickets! Two tickets!” the excitement over her tone made you giggle too. She seems to be very happy.

“That’s great! I hope you two have a great time.”

“We will! Thank you so much because if it wasn’t for your ‘good word’ to your boyfriend this wouldn’t happen.”

You smiled, “Don’t mention about it! Just enjoy, all right? Take pics!” you reminded her.

“Surely! We will keep you updated don’t you worry.”

Soon you ended the call because you know Jungwon is arriving soon. You went out to the balcony of your shared bedroom and just stared blankly at nowhere. The view of the moon always looked so good right here, maybe why you always love to spend most of your time here.

“Miss, Mr. Yang is arriving.” you heard a knock from the door.

You went to grab your robe to cover yourself. The nighties you are wearing will make you feel so cold. Haru was outside and the two of you go downstairs while you ask her things about the house. As you two arrive near the main door, Jungwon’s car was the first one to enter the premises, followed by vehicles occupied by his men. You smiled, a little impatient to see him and hug him once again.

Once he’s out, you opened your arms waiting for him to walk closer. Injang arrived with him and just going out from his vehicle. He turns towards the other men to talk about something.

When Jungwon came closer, you noticed the bruise at the corner of his lips. From afar, you can’t really see it. The bruise were almost healing, but still it made you really worried.

“What happened?” you asked worriedly.

His hand snaked on your waist and pulled you closer for a quick kiss, before he explains. The furrow on your forehead indicates how worried you are for a small cut, like as if he almost die because of that bruise.

“Had a little...” his words stall that makes it sound suspicious. “..fight.”

You stayed silent, didn’t talk or ask more. Just waiting for him to continue talking, to add more information because you don’t believe someone will just went straight up to him and challenge him into a fight. Your boyfriend, Yang Jungwon, leader of the Yang clan gets into a small fight? You knew very well how he will straight up point a gun towards someone if they pissed him off.

“Don’t worry about it. Its already settled.”

After staring through his eyes, scanning them you end up just sighing heavily. “All right. If you say so.”

And both of you started walking inside so he can get some proper rest. You went inside your shared bathroom and run him a bath, making sure to set it to his preferred temperature before asking him to go in and enjoy his time.

Now, around the house you have maids and helpers assigned to take care and manage it. You’re just there to monitor and order them whenever you wanted to change this and that, but the work are all left to them.

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