chapter forty-one

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chapter forty-one

“Ugh,” you let out a heavy groan before throwing your head back over the sofa you are sitting on.

“Come on, y/n. Don’t stress yourself out too much!” Bri exclaimed and you lift your head up to watch her turn from side to side while checking her reflection on the mirror.

“Bri’s right, y/n. The wedding is next week, you and Jungwon needs to chill.” Aelia even added while eating the cake served by the staffs of the store.

They’re right. The wedding is next week and so here you are, with Aelia and Bri. You’ve been arguing with Jungwon lately and you wanted a break from all of that. You decided that accompanying them both while they search for their beach dresses will somehow make your mood better.

“It’s because he’s so annoying! Day by day I can feel like he’s treating me like a prisoner.” you complained to your friends.

Bri was busy staring at herself while Aelia chuckles lightly. This isn’t the very first time you complain about this to them. You do noticed beforehand how Jungwon starts to be more strict and controlling. You are okay with it and you did said you can manage. But sometimes its just gets to you. This are one of those times.

“Do you think this is better or the pink floral one?” Bri spins and faced the two of you with a hopeful eyes.

Both you and Aelia stared at her for a while before deciding.

“That one.”/ “The pink floral one.” you and Aelia said in unison.

Bri moved his eyes from you then back at her before she lets out a heavy sigh. She seems stressed too, but with a different reason.

“I’ll take both, please” she smiles warmly over to the staff beside her.

“Y/n,” Bri starts. “Jungwon is just being protective. You know you are very precious to him.” she added trying to comfort you.

You completely know that. You are aware of it and honestly, you are very grateful. But the way Jungwon acts sometimes bothers you.

“I know, it’s just I feel like he doesn’t trust me sometimes.” you glanced down at your fidgeting hands, feeling a little embarrassed. “At least Heeseung hyung seems to be cool with everything you do.”

Bri sighs before reaching out for your hand.

“Hey, me and Hee are years ahead of you.” she tries to even make a point.

“I know. But Jungwon used to be so sweet with me, you know? He’s still sweet, but he was arrogant from time to time too.”

Bri chuckles, “He’s a mafia, y/n. What do you expect? Heeseung have his moments too. Jungwon’s not the only one.”

“Sunghoon too.” Aelia then said.

You and Bri looked at her and scoffed at the same time.

“Oh, Hoon oppa is a different case Ae. He will be always cruel and arrogant.” you taunts that made the other one glare at you.

“I’m so sorry, Ae but Y/n is right. Sunghoon’s craziness for you is on a different level.”

Aelia rolled her eyes and just focused back on her dessert. You are still smirking at her because she seems pissed when you felt Bri squeezing your arm slightly.

“There are things that can be learned only by experience. Okay?” she made you look on her eyes so you can see how sincere she is.

You pout your lips and nodded your head. She pinch your cheeks lightly.

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