chapter six

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warning; not proof read.

chapter six

You stirred over your sleep as you slowly opened your eyes and blinked a couple of times as a ray of sunshine went through your curtains. You sighed and stared at the ceiling for a while. Suddenly your mind was occupied by his eyes. Those pretty eyes.

Last night was... unexpected. You didn't know Yang Jungwon can be that kind of person. You've only seen his cold and arrogant side. Somehow, you now know what Injang meant when he said he would never hurt you.

Your head snapped over to the direction of your door when you heard someone knocking over them.

"Yeah?" you responded as you sat down over your bed.

"Mr. Yang asked me to wake you up, Madam. He said you two will eat breakfast together." one of the helper said from the other side of the door.

Your heart thump just by hearing his surname. Does he really have that effect on you? You licked your lip and slightly massaged the back of your neck as you feel your cheecks burning just by thinking of his handsome face.

"Miss Y/n?" the helper called once again when she didn't heard any response from you, tone a little worried.

You gulped, "I w-will be down in a bit."

She soon left so you can go get ready before going downstairs. For the first time since you were here, you panicked on what to wear. Rummaging over the clothes that was provided for you, you've come to realized that you only have simple ones. Non of them can be labeled as classy, cute or girly. Most of them was plain white shirts and some normal pants. Some sweats even!

You sighed and kind of find it hilarious that you're going crazy looking for what to wear on breakfast. After a sigh, you decided to go on your panjamas since it would be really understandable and the most natural. Of course, you just came out from bed. It would be really awkward if you appear like you've fixed yourself too much just for breakfast. He may misunderstand things.

You stared at yourself on the mirror for a bit while. You're not wearing any make-up since you don't have anything except from a lip balm you asked a week ago because of a chapped lips. Your eyes then darted over your red tinted cheeks. Are you seriously blushing and feeling a little excited? The last time you remembered, you were so scared of him.

"I should get myself together." you mumbled to yourself before deciding to go out of your room.

Two bodyguards were outside, guarding your room. It was a normal sight already. You gave them both a smile that they didn't responded to before you started heading downstairs over to the dining area since it's where you'll eat today unlike your normal ones. You usually eat at the garden.

When you arrived the dining area, you can't help but to feel amazed once again. It's very spacious and sure can occupy a lot of people. Mainly why you don't want to eat here because you feel so lonely.

"Miss Y/n." your eyes darted over to Injang when he greeted you.

With a smile you gave him a small wave. He bowed respectfully before he pulled a chair for you. After muttering a small thank you, you sat down and once again roamed your eyes around.

"The boss will be down in a few." he said and you just nodded your head.

Your head lowered and watch how your hands fidgets. You're nervous. Just like how you feel last night when it's your first time meeting him. You don't know why you're heart's beating like crazy like as if this will be the first time to see him. Maybe you'll never get used to it.

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