chapter four

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warnings: not proof read.

chapter four

Your eyes silently followed Jungwon’s car drives out from the mansion. This has been your routine for almost a week already. Ever since you started becoming a little more comfortable under this roof, you watched him leave before you go out for breakfast. Then you make sure you’re inside your room already before he arrives from work.

“Breakfast?” you smiled a little at Injang when you saw him helping some of the helpers prepare the table at the garden. This was so far your favorite place. It just have this vibe of calming you down and relaxing you. Freeing you from all of these worries.

You sat down and watch how the helpers assist you. Like always, the silence between you and Injang was still powerful. You can tell he’s really letting you take your time.

You had been thinking about what he said to you. That you should just accept this fate and slowly open up to them. That Yang Jungwon will really change your life. You wanted so bad to believe right away but due to all the things you’ve been through, you can’t make yourself trust anyone that easily. In this world full of cruel people, you can’t let your guard down.

“Injang,” you called him.

“Yes, Ms. y/n?” he asked anticipating whatever it is that you want to talk about.

You gulped as your hold over the utensils tightened. After sighing heavily you looked through Injang’s eyes, “I’m willing to have that talk.”

Injang’s eyes grew a little in surprise. He knew sooner or later you will eventually want to open up to him but he didn’t know it will be this soon. He gave you atleast one to two weeks. Seems like your mental health is stronger than he thinks.

He nodded and smiled a little, “Of course. When do you wanna do it?”

“Later.” you answered right away so you wouldn’t have any chance to back out.

Well, days before, Injang had told you that if ever you already accepted your fate and your new life that awaits you, he needs to talk to you first. Make you open up to him so he would know things about you. He said Jungwon asked him to do that so you will feel more comfortable and to gain your trust. And also so he can understand you more.

The breakfast went on pretty smoothly, just small chitchats. After that you roamed around the mansion once again like always. It’s been days and you almost memorized how the furniture looks like but still you couldn’t get enough of them.

Your steps halted in front of this big portrait. It was non other than the boss itself, Yang Jungwon. From his perfectly fixed hair, down to his two pretty eyebrows, his beautiful eyes, to his pointed nose, rosy cheeks and his pinkish lips. He looked ethereal. Just by staring at him,  it already makes you feel a lot of things. Heart raced at the sight of his pretty eyes. They were indeed one of the prettiest.

“Ms. y/n?” you flinched a little after hearing Injang called out to you. You didn’t even realized that you’ve been staring at Jungwon’s portrait for a long time.

“Y-Yes?” you asked trying to get a hold of yourself.

He smiled a little and pointed the door right beside him in a polite way. You pursed your lips and sighed heavily before you walked towards him.

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