chapter nine

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chapter nine

"These are the designs that you can choose from for your walk-in-closet." Jungwon's architect presented you the designs she prepared exclusively for this project.

Your eyes darted over it and carefully examined each designs. All of it are good and really classy. Now you understand why she's Jungwon's architect. As you turn the pages, one design caught your attention and so you picked it and she jotted it down over her notebook.

When you remember how one part of the living area bothers you, you quickly gulped and hesitated a little to tell it to her. You've learned from her that she designs the whole mansion and so you're scared that it may offend her if you want to change that one part.

You pouted but then decided to talk anyway.

"U-Uhm, I was wondering if I can change something to the living room?" you started and she quickly darted her eyes at you.

You felt surprised and intimidated at the way she looked at you not saying anything so you quickly talked again.

"I'm s-sorry. The design was great and everything. I really liked it b-but something just bothers me. It's okay if you d-don't want to--" you heard her chuckle as she reached for your fidgeting hand.

She smiles warmly, "It's totally fine, Ms. Y/n. Thank you if you find my designs great but please feel free to tell me whatever you want to change."

Your eyes grew big as a sigh of relief came over you, "R-Really?"

She lets out another chuckle as she finds you adorable. "Of course, Miss. This is your home. You'd get to decide to everything and Mr. Yang had told me to do whatever that is that you want to change."

You pouted and nodded your head.

"Thank you."

"You don’t really have to thank me but you're welcome Miss y/n."

"Please, call me y/n." you said and her eyes grew a little wide at how friendly you are.

She smiled, "Alright, y/n. Tell me what you want to change."

And there, you comfortably told her what you wanted to change. It was great communicating with as she guides you carefully and patiently about anything that you're not aware of. She's still the expert to it, anyway. The meeting with her went smoothly and so she said she'll have to leave and just keep you updated about the things you wanted to do.

She left and you were all smiley after that. You sighed then rested your back over to your swivel chair. As you roam your eyes over your study room, your heart felt contentment. Right now, it’s still funny and unbelievable how you’re experiencing all of these. How did you even end up right here?

You heard a knock from your door and you quickly turned your swivel chair to face it, “Yeah?”

Slowly, it opened reveling one of your helpers. She smiled warmly that you exchanged with a warm smile as well.

“Snacks, Miss y/n?” she said and showing you the tray she was holding.

Your eyes sparkled at the sight of it so you quickly nodded and made her walk inside. She’s one of those helpers that are around your age. She seems so nice with her warm smile and the way she moves are so gentle.

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