chapter forty-five

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chapter forty-five

Some years later..

"Where to put this, Ma'am?" your head turns over to the side to see one of your helpers holding a freshly cooked dish by her hand. You flash her a smile and looked at the table filled with foods you prepared for today.

"Anywhere in that table, please. Thank you." she nods and obliged to your command.

"Mom," a hand reaches for your arm and you face them gracefully. You are met with his poker face, eyes looking so serious as always.

You flash him a smile before giving him a warm hug, "Jakah! You are here already," he didn't show much of a reaction but nods his head with a short smile.

It didn't made you feel upset as you know he's truly like this. Your eldest is very nonchalant and people always says that he take after his Father. Sometimes, you feel competitive about it because he already look so much like his Dad and now he have his attitude as well? That's so unfair for someone who carries him for nine months.

"Where's Dad, Mom?" you heard a mischievous voice and there you saw your second son, Jakah's twin brother.

"On his way already." he walks towards you and as he does that, you couldn't help but to notice how the two of them resembles each other. The only difference is Jakah's reserved while Josiah is very out-going. He's very mischievous and playful. The naughty one.

He smirks, showing off his dimples before caging you into an embrace. It made you pout and feel touch because they're still very affectionate towards you as they grow up.

"Josiah," you called his name when he was about to go check the table filled with food.

"Yep?" he asks popping the 'p'.

"What did I said about putting your boxing gloves by the table?" your strict tone didn't even faze him.

You heard Jakah chuckles a bit before walking towards his destined seat at the long table where his brother placed his gloves.

"But Mom, Dad promised he will teach me today-" you cut him off even before he can finish his sentence.

"Today? Do you even know what day is today? You know the rules." with your arms crossed, you kept your stares at him.

He sighed, "It'll be fine, Mom. We'll throw a few punches, yeah?" he even gave you this big smiles.


He groaned, "But Mom-"

"I said no, Josiah. You already have the whole six days for these trainings, I want you to spend your sundays as a normal kid."

"Isn't self defense for normal kids?" he even tried to reason out.

"Joss," Jakah calls him out. He craned his neck and looked at his twin, raising his brows to ask him what he needs.

"Stop arguing with Mom. Help me with these instead." and even raised what he was holding. It was the utensils and Josiah was left with no choice but to surrender.

He flashed his Mom a bright smile and even made a salute before walking towards his brother.

"Take your gloves away from there, Josiah Yang." You remind him before focusing again with the food.

Not long after, Injang arrives together with his wife and kid. You cheered and approached to give her a hug.

"Are we early?" Injang asked chuckling, noticing that everyone's not yet here.

sarang | YJWOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora