chapter eleven

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chapter eleven

You two were enjoying each other’s company, sharing sweet hot kisses when you heard continuous knocks from his office’ door. You pursed your lips, blushing hard before pulling away a little from Jungwon. He was smirking as he lets you and just settled his hand at your waist, making sure you’re not falling off his lap.

“What is it?” he asked, tone sounding so strict. You glanced at him and he was smirking a little at you.

Your eyes grew a little when you saw a little stain of lipstick at the upperside of his lips. You quickly reached over the tissue to wipe it off. He chuckled cutely and just let you do that while blushing. You looked so cute like that.

“Calm down, bunny. Nobody’s going to scold you for making out with the boss.” he joked that made you even more flustered.

You threw him sharp looks when he called you bunny. A while ago, you two are talking about your favorite animals and you told him you like bunnies. Jungwon find it very cute and so he told you that he’ll call you that.

“Mr. Yang? Mr. Lim just arrived for his scheduled appointment.” it was Nari speaking by the door. Oh, right. He turned off the intercom a while ago because he said he doesn’t want anyone to interrupt his time with you.

Jungwon’s brows furrowed before his hand that was over your waist tightened a little. You looked at his direction, “Who’s Mr. Lim?” you asked curiously.

Jungwon’s eyes darted at you and he smirked, “A potential business partner.” he said before he leaned to give you a kiss at your cheeks.

You nodded your head, “Seems like an important person. Lets let him in!” you said and even stood up from his lap. Jungwon chuckled and reached over your hand.

“Not as important as you though.” he said that made you blush right away. A smile slowly appeared your lips before you squeezed his hand that was holding yours.

“Come on, work time.” you encouraged him. He rolled his eyes, a smirk still present over his pretty lips. His dimples are showing making him very handsome to your eyes.

“Alright but first, fix your dress for me. I can see your cleavage almost showing.” he stated that made you look down on your dress. Your eyes grew a little that he was right. Maybe it happened while you’re sitting comfortably at Jungwon’s lap while kissing him.

You blushed hardly and lets go from Jungwon to fix your dress but he stood up, towering over you. Your eyes darted at him, a little caught off guard at how he’s so close to you again.

“Let me help my sweet bunny, hmm?” humming at the end of his sentence. Your lips parted and nodded like you’re under his spell.

He bit his lower lip, finding you extremely adorable. He slowly reached over your dress and fixed it for you. You silently watch him do that, enjoying every moment. When he’s satisfied already, you two stared at each other for a while before he held your hand again to pull you at the visitor’s area. You both sat down at the bigger sofa and in front of it were two single sofas.

Jungwon sat down close to you, placing his hand over your waist before he orders Nari to let that Mr. Lim inside his office. Nari went inside with the visitor and your eyes were at her. Her eyes moved from Jungwon over to his arm that was holding you firmly.

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