chapter thirty-six

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warning: violence, yandere themes and not proof read. (let me know if i missed some)

chapter thirty-six

Your mind completely went blank the moment Injang manages to guide you to Jungwon's car. All you can think of is the terrifying screams you heard from Mr. Lim after leaving that basement. It was haunting for you and honestly gave you multiple images of how Jungwon possibly tortured him.

It only took you a couple of minutes before some thoughts occured in your mind.

"What's going to happen to me now?" you whispered to yourself as you can feel your heart thump, mind clouded by so many thoughts.

Jungwon released flyers saying that he's hunting you so he can kill you himself. Is it true? He's off to kill you? Is he done with you already?

Doesn't he love you?

Suddenly, the thought of him not having any feelings left for you hurts even more than being killed by anyone. Clearly this isn't what you planned and expected from running away from him. You are left with the thought of what did you even hope to gain from this escape?

You are too occupied that you even failed to notice that Jungwon was already walking his way towards the car where you are. Heart beating so fast, you balled your fist and moved away from the vacant seat he's about to occupy.

One men open the door for him before Injang hands him a clean handkerchief to help him clean the blood off from his face. Like that would help when his polo shirt was clearly covered with them.

It felt like your heart has been snatched out from your ribcage when you met eyes with him. They look lifeless and angry. Just filled with pure darkness. And you haven't seen him like this ever. That scared you even more, nearly making you shake at your seat.

"W-What are you planning to do with me?" you muster all your remaining pride and bravery to ask the young mafia that question.

He huffed slightly and entered the vehicle, sitting right beside you. He didn't answered your question that made you annoyed. Of course you didn't just backed down and stayed quiet. Of course, you tried to ask again like what normal terrified people would do. (sarcasm)

"I said what are you planning to do?!" two of his men entered the vehicle as well. One to drive the car, the other sat at the passenger seat. You gave them no mind because there are times Jungwon doesn't want to drive and maybe this is one of those times.

Jungwon rolled his eyes and clicked the side of his cheeks. His knuckles have bruises while he rests his hand to his lap. He sighs and looked at your direction.

"We're going home." he shortly replied.

Now, you should be slightly relieved that he mentioned 'home' and not some abandoned warehouses or the han river to throw your body after they do whatever they're planning to do with you, but for some reasons the way his tone was so cold dent shivers through your spine. His eyes looked so dead that it was enough for you to tremble in fear.

You finally became a little smart and shut your mouth. The drive back home was short or maybe you're just really too occupied to even give care to how long the car ride was. Even before you know it, the car was parking inside the big mansion.

Your neck cranes slightly to the side so you can take a look at it. Being away from here for days surely made you miss this place.

While reminiscing, the car door opened and you expected it was Jungwon but instead it was a few of his men. You felt instantly nervous and wary of the situation. Two of them took a hold of each of your arm. Then and there you realized something's about to happen.

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