chapter twenty-four

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chapter twenty-four

Things changed after the incident with Sangwon. The security is even tighter, the facilities of the mansion and the company you are working on was fully packed with Jungwon’s men, Injang is often with you as well and most of all, Jungwon felt a little distant.

He still take good care of you and make sure you’re safe, but sometimes you feel like its too much. Sometimes, you’re starting to feel suffocated.

“They’ll all go with me today?” your eyes were fixed over to the five vehicles that was lined up behind your service. You’re not allowed to drive yet and after what happened months ago, you can cross that out from your bucket list this year.

Injang glanced at the men who’s standing right outside of the vehicles. He pursed his lips and looked back to you.

“Its a strict order from the boss, Miss.” he said and even opened the car’s door for you.

You were silent for a while before you let out a sigh and go inside the car. The men around went inside their destined vehicles and soon you are off to work.

This isn’t the first time you got accompanied by many bodyguards. Right after Sangwon happened, Jungwon make sure you are well protected. He doubles the security whenever he’s off to go somewhere far. Sometimes, if he’ll be too far away, he will take you with him. As long as his business at that place is not dangerous, he can bring you.

Your eyes dropped at your phone when you heard it ringing. Jungwon’s name continuously flashing over it. Despite being a little irritated a while ago after seeing the flock of Jungwon’s men accompanying you, you can’t help but to miss Jungwon.

“Hello?” your eyes trailed outside the window while waiting for him to talk.

“Hey, bunny. Sorry for not waking you up when I left a while ago.” he left early and when you wake up, he was not beside you anymore.

You pouted, “I could’ve send you off before you go.”

Jungwon sighed hearing that small hint of sadness over your tone. He clenched his jaw and stared right outside the window of the private plane he was in.

“It will be harder to leave then.” he responded.

It was true. After that day, Jungwon finds it extremely hard to leave you back home. If its hard before, its dreadful to leave you alone. If he can, he would take you anywhere he goes, but his business this time is a bit dangerous.

“Then you should’ve brought me with you.”

He lets out a sigh and his free hand raised to slightly massage his forehead. Its aching a bit because he couldn’t sleep properly. Thinking all night that he will leave you alone. He did left Injang with you and his men, but it wasn’t enough for him. His fear is slowly taking over his whole system. He tried to shrug it off and shove the thought away. He couldn’t let his emotions rule him. He himself should be well aware of that. After what happened months ago, he wouldn’t let his emotions take over again.

“Its dangerous to take you with me, love.”

You bit your lower lip. Hearing that just makes you even nervous and a little annoyed. Nervous because he went there without Injang to help him and annoyed because in order to secure you, he’s somehow risking himself.

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