chapter forty

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warning: mention of accidents and death, not proof read.

chapter forty

flashback — before they went to the island.

“We’ve arrived, Sir.” Jungwon’s eyes snapped open after hearing his men’s statement. He sighs and cranes his neck to look outside his private plane’s window.

They’ve landed at the said island Injang told him about. The white sand and clear blue sea sure is extraordinary. He couldn’t put it into words what kind of emotions the scenery gave him. The type of views that makes you reminisce of memories, good ones.

He stood up and fixes his coat and walks outside the plane. He notices some of his men scattered around and some people from the village to welcome him warmly. Despite the stern expression over his face, they didn’t show any fear and smiled warmly at him.

After asking how his flight was, they guided Jungwon over to a small villa. His things were already placed there and he sighs, removing his tie slowly before fishing his phone from his pocket.

“Love!” your familiar cheerful voice emits from the other line making him smile a little.

“Hey, bunny.” he draws in a strained sigh, his longing for you getting stronger. “I’ve arrived.”

“Hm, that’s good. How was your flight?”

It was the same exact question asked over Jungwon a while ago, but it feels different when it came from you.

“It was okay. I miss you already.”

Jungwon’s eyes are fixed at the view of the ocean. He wished you were here because he knows you’ll enjoy it very much.

Your small chuckle snapped him back to his senses, “I missed you too, baby. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” the calmness through your voice almost calmed him as well.

The way your reaction was like this and not sulky for him leaving you makes Jungwon feels mixed of emotions. He’s slightly happy that you are maturing and understands whenever he told you that you cannot come with him. But also sad and worried that you are being less clingy of him. He wants you craving for him as much as he craves for you.

“Yes. I just called to let you know I arrived safely.”

“Thank you for doing that, my love. You should rest now because I know you have things you need to do later.”

Jungwon pursed his lips and tilts his head, enjoying the sound of your voice. It sounded so mature and calm, making him miss your bratty side. He almost let out a scoff for the things that occupying his mind. He will probably deal with that later, there are things he needs to take care of.

“How about you? What are your plans?” he fired back at you.

“Go out with Ae today. I’m helping her fix his walk-in-closet.”

Jungwon was not surprised anymore at the mention of his Sunghoon hyung’s girl.

“You two grew close.” he smirks a little and it widen after hearing your small grunt.

“I still hate her sometimes.” you stated, trying so hard to deny your adoration to the said girl.

Jungwon sighs, smirk still present over his lips. “Whatever you say, bun.”

The call lasts for a bit while until he heard a knock from his door. Jungwon glances and watch how his men enters and informed him that everything is finally ready.

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