061 Cooperation

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Since Harry also had the system, Draco would take Harry and the pure-blood team to do missions every day, defeat monsters, upgrade, and improve their strength. He didn't know how to get Harry to change his job, or how to trigger the conditions for Harry to change his job. Therefore, his current goal is the alchemy formula about sacrifice.

However, the formula and other ingredients were easy to find, except for one of the herbs, called Nine-leaf Ice Lotus, which was not included in the trading system Draco carried. Draco went to Diagon Alley and searched the alleys again, but couldn't find it. In desperation, he had no choice but to place an order and ask for help to pay attention to it. He even left the information in the auction house under his West Group. I just hope that this kind of thing really exists in this world. Draco has an intuition that only if he gets the resurrection crystal, Harry's job transfer mission will be triggered, and Harry's priestly profession must be suitable for him. very important.

Principal room.

"Oh, you are such a rare visitor, Mr. Malfoy, would you like some of this?" The white-haired old man sitting behind the desk pushed towards Draco the candies that were jumping on his table - a pile of cockroaches.

Draco's mouth twitched, and finally he politely declined: "I can't think of it, thank you, Principal Dumbledore."

"Then have some hot drinks, I believe you will like it." Dumbledore He clicked his wand again and served Draco a cup of hot cocoa.

Draco did not refuse, nor did he pick up the cup. He just sat down gracefully at Dumbledore's signal. After all, there were some secrets that he still didn't want Dumbledore to know, and it was said that Dumbledore's drinks occasionally contained a little bit of gadgets.

Dumbledore saw that Draco had no intention of drinking, an unknown light flashed in his eyes, and he smiled and said nothing more.

"So, Mr. Malfoy, did you come to my headmaster's office for something important?"

"I think so, Headmaster Dumbledore. I believe you can also understand what I plan to do now, and I I guess you have no objection, and you can even say that you are happy to see it happen."

"Oh, my dear Mr. Malfoy, what are you talking about, I don't quite understand what you mean." Dumbledore looked at it with a smile. Looking at Draco.

"I think Principal Dumbledore, you understand what I mean."

"Well, really? I think tomorrow in the wizarding world will be a stage for you young people to show off their talents. Old people like me should eat some desserts and taste them. I'll wait and see about the delicious food." Dumbledore said, taking out a "cockroach" from the plate and throwing it into his mouth, chewing it with gusto.

Draco watched speechlessly as the cockroach's beard finally disappeared into Dumbledore's mouth, and turned his head silently...

"I think I understand what you mean." Draco stood up and saluted Dumbledore. , turned around and walked out of the principal's office.

Dumbledore looked at the tall back of the platinum boy. How many more surprises could this thirteen-year-old boy give him? He saw in Draco a vigorous vitality that he no longer had. Only young people like them could Only talents can bring a better tomorrow to the magical world. Old friend, I was wrong at the beginning. Now I don't want to make another mistake with this boy. The magic world can no longer bear to be shrouded in shadow again. I hope he can bring light to the magic world.

Draco walked out of the principal's office and headed to his dormitory. He was going to write a letter to Lucius. Some things should be arranged and some people should be moved.

When Draco watched the Malfoy family's domesticated golden falcon fly out of the dormitory window with his letter in its mouth, Draco knew that the first change in the wizarding world had begun. Although there is no longer the shadow of the Dark Duke, moths like Cornelius Fudge in the Ministry of Magic should still be eliminated as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will not only hinder the normal development of the magical world, but also bring the magical world into a worse situation. situation.

The next day, the front page of the Daily Prophet was full of Peter Pettigrew holding on to the cell door and shouting loudly in Azkaban, with a hideous and terrifying face. The headline was: The Mysterious Man's loyal men escaped from prison. Most of the students at Hogwarts have the habit of subscribing to the Daily Prophet. When they saw this news, their faces showed panic, indifference, and even excitement.

Lucius acted quickly, and for half a month, very unfavorable news for the Ministry of Magic came out one after another. For a time, the credibility of the Ministry of Magic dropped to almost zero in the eyes of the public, and Fudge had no good results. After eating, a large number of owls rushed into his office with letters in their mouths, including many red howling letters. For a moment, Fudge's office seemed to have become a forbidden area. No one wanted to let their ears suffer disaster, let alone become Fudge's pissing bucket for no reason.

Fudge is indeed not a brainless idiot. He seems to have noticed that this seems to be a conspiracy against him. After all, Peter Pettigrew's escape from prison did not happen in a day or two, and he had indeed blocked the news from the beginning. , how could it burst out now for no reason. Since the challenge broke out at this point in time, something must have happened that he didn't know about, and he didn't have many suspects, just a few.

So Fudge immediately targeted the principal of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore. It was indeed Dumbledore who helped him become the Minister of Magic, but he had wanted to get rid of the shadow left by Dumbledore for too long. Perhaps, he could use this matter to infiltrate his own power into Hogwarts. At the very least, he could dampen Hogwarts' arrogance.

Soon, Cornelius Fudge mobilized some of the dementors to Hogwarts on the grounds of protecting the safety of the young wizards at Hogwarts. A person was also sent to replace Sirius, who had only taken a few Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons. She looked like a big pale toad. She was short and fat, with a broad, saggy face. Like Vernon, her neck was invisible. Her mouth drooped downwards. Her eyes were huge. , round, slightly convex outward. Even the little black velvet bow in her short curls looked as silly as she did. This person is Cornelius Fudge's loyal supporter-Dolores Jane Umbridge.

Although Draco and Lucius expected that Fudge might counterattack from the beginning, they did not expect that he would point the finger directly at Dumbledore, and his actions would be so effective. It can be seen that Cornelius Fudge is in these He has grown into a qualified politician. But the ease with which Dumbledore accepted the move also showed that he was confident about the matter. To be more precise, it was better to let Fudge, the clown, jump around casually than to do something stupider.

Hogwarts is now surrounded by a depressive atmosphere. That morning, everyone saw the woman at the teacher's table. She looked like someone's unmarried old aunt. She was short and fat, with a long hair. Her curly short ash-brown hair was tied with a very ugly big pink bow, which matched well with the fluffy pink cardigan she wore outside her robe.

At breakfast, Principal Dumbledore tapped the crystal goblet with a silver spoon, making it make a pleasant sound. The students in the entire auditorium stopped talking one after another and looked up at the principal's position. They knew that this was the principal's intention to say that he had something to say and asked them to be quiet.

"I think everyone has discovered that the lady sitting next to me is the Senior Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Magic. Now she is sitting here as the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Everyone applauds to welcome her arrival." The

four colleges The students applauded sparsely. They could all feel that this woman came with bad intentions and never came with good intentions. At least there was indifference in her eyes and face, and she had no sense of belonging to Hogwarts or the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. What's more, they now like Sirius Black's teaching method. Although it was indeed chaotic at the beginning and often injured, it must be said that each of them has made rapid progress. The professor now was obviously the Lockhart and his ilk from before, and they had no expectations of her at all.

Then this woman who looked like a toad said to the students in a high and shrill voice: "Thank you, Principal Dumbledore, for your warm welcome. Thank you also, ladies and gentlemen, for your warm applause. I will As your professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, I hope we can have a pleasant study life together."

After saying that, she smiled at the students in a decent way, with a smile that could be faked. , making everyone present stand on end.

After that, she took over Sirius's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. She never let the students take out their wands during class. She only asked them to put away their wands and take out their textbooks, and then read the textbooks silently. Some students couldn't help but stood up to refute her, but she put them in solitary confinement. After the confinement, each of these students became silent.

Of course Draco knew why. After all, with a golden finger like Hermione, they could predict many things in advance. Although Umbridge should have come to Hogwarts in their fifth year in the original work, casting a shadow over their campus life, but now that she has arrived in the third year, it is obviously Draco, the butterfly fan. Came here.

The only thing that Draco didn't expect was that Mr. Sirius Black, who was temporarily unemployed, was actually appointed by Dumbledore the old fox to his own delivery person, His Majesty the Snake King, as his assistant. As a result, His Majesty the Snake King of Slytherin has a dark face and low pressure every day. The little snakes are so scared that they are trembling every day, fearing that His Majesty the Snake King's venom will mercilessly drip through them.

Under Umbridge's high pressure, almost everyone in every house except Slytherin was injured. The reason why Slytherin had zero casualties was firstly because of the low pressure of His Majesty the Snake King, and secondly because The third reason for Prince Slytherin's warning is that almost every one of them comes from a noble family, and assessing the situation is their basic homework.

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