014 Chief

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The little snakes in Slytherin are all nobles. Although the first-year students this time are not the smallest among the four houses, they are still few. Every student looked at Harry with curious eyes. Although they were eager, they would never Discourteous, after all, their aristocratic etiquette does not allow them to do anything disrespectful on such an occasion.

Every Slytherin student ate elegantly, and the occasional conversations were in whispers. Under normal circumstances, they could understand each other's meaning with just a few glances and a few obscure gestures. The long Gryffindor table 10 meters away was like a vegetable market. Everyone was talking loudly, laughing loudly, chewing roughly, and occasionally there was the sound of broken tableware.

Harry was completely relieved to be in an environment like Slytherin. These nobles would never ask to admire his scars like Gryffindor, and kept asking him to tell the story of the night the Dark Lord disappeared, and Merlin's stench. Socks, he was only 1 year old at that time, how could he remember them?

At this moment, Harry felt a burning pain in the scar on his forehead.

"Ah!" Harry quickly patted his head with his hands.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked.

"No...it's nothing." The sharp pain had passed momentarily, and Harry no longer cared.

Draco watched Harry smiling happily while eating his favorite food. He had to say that Harry was very cute like this, but for a nobleman, his behavior could be said to be rude. It seemed that his little breasts There are still so many things that cats need to learn...

Finally, after the desserts were finished, Professor Dumbledore stood up again, and the whole place fell silent.

"Aha, since we have all eaten and drunk, let me say a few more words. I will now issue a few school opening announcements. Freshmen should pay special attention: the woods on the playground are strictly prohibited for students. This is very important. The first-year students should also keep this in mind." Dumbledore looked towards the Weasley twins with bright eyes.

"Our administrator, Mr. Fitch, asked me to remind you that magic is not allowed in the corridors between classes."

"The review of Quidditch players will be carried out in the second week. Students who want to represent their college should come to Huo Sign up with Mrs. Qi."

"Finally, I must warn you, if you don't want to encounter an accident and die in pain and misery, don't go to the third floor corridor on the right within this year!"

The black line at Draco's end, Dumbledore's brain Got chewed by a troll? He might as well just say, come on, come on, there is a secret on the third floor, come and take the risk. Draco frowned fiercely, feeling that those blue eyes seemed to have glanced this way just now, and then thinking about Harry's reputation, Draco suddenly understood what Dumbledore had in mind.

So, Draco raised his chin slightly and smiled incomprehensibly at Dumbledore. This could be regarded as his silent provocation to the white wizard. After all, when the Malfoy family was struggling in such a quagmire, Dumbledore was indispensable. If he hadn't suppressed the nobles and got close to Muggles, how could Malfoy's family background surrender to anyone at will.

What finally made Draco completely speechless and collapsed was the Hogwarts school song. Except for Dumbledore, who was very excited, the other professors on the professor's chair had enough black lines on their foreheads. The little lions from Gryffindor sang the most happily, while the little snakes from Slytherin all recited the lyrics silently as fast as they could, even if they sang.

Edmund stood up and said: "First-year students, follow me. People in other years should pay attention. The password is: Glory."

A few sparse little snakes followed Edmund to a bare and damp stone wall, facing the wall. Say, "Glory."

Then a door hidden in the stone wall opened, and the little snakes came to their dormitory, the Slytherin cellar.

The person who greeted them was none other than Draco Malfoy's godfather - Severus Slytherin Snape.

Under the venom sprayed by the Slytherin Snake King, the little snakes trembled through the baptism of venom. Even Draco had to wipe off a cold sweat. The Godfather's aura was too strong... The Snake King looked on with satisfaction. The little snakes' faces turned blue. After enjoying the pleasure brought by the little animals for a while, they left the scene wearing billowing black robes without taking away a trace of cloud.

After the Snake King left, Edmund appeared again, "Then, next is our real battle tonight - the battle of Slytherin's chief. Each grade will have its own chief, and Slytherin always focuses on glory and power. , The Chief is the leader of Slytherin and the pride of Slytherin. All students must put the Chief's will first, starting from the seventh grade, you can start to challenge."


"In the end, you are the only ones left. Now, the first-year freshmen, you also need to choose the chief, because you did not have a chief candidate before. Therefore, the method you adopted is a melee, and the one left at the end will be the chief."

At this time, Draco's ears suddenly rang. The system said "Congratulations on triggering the side mission (4): Follow, Battle of the Chief, the mission rewards 2500 experience points, Slytherin Chief Badge (purple)." Draco raised his eyebrows and quickly pulled out the wand, although there was no It's time to read the task description, but you also know what results the task requires.

After a melee, only Harry and a few minor nobles led by Draco were left to confront Hermione Granger. Hermione shrugged unladylikely at Draco and automatically walked off the stage. Then the people who followed Draco automatically stepped down, and only Draco remained.

"Okay then. The head of first year is Draco Malfoy." Edmund patted Draco on the shoulder.

"I think our little gentlemen and ladies need to rest now. So, boys, come with me, and girls, follow Wendy. All you need to do is find the nameplate with your name engraved on it. Two people per room.

" Laco took Harry to the dormitory, and sure enough, he was in the same room as his little cat. Sometimes I have to lament that the name of the Malfoy family is so easy to use. He doesn't even need to say anything, and someone will make the most considerate preparations for him.

As soon as he entered the dormitory, Draco couldn't help but see black lines all over his head and Merlin's smelly socks. This was like a slum. I couldn't believe it. Is this really Slytherin's dormitory? In fact, it is not surprising that Draco is disappointed here. Slytherin students have always been pure-blood nobles. Both themselves and their parents are good at enjoying themselves, and naturally they will use the best for everything. The wealth accumulated by Slytherins over the generations cannot be underestimated, which allowed the subsequent Slytherin snakes to enjoy an extraordinary material life with almost no effort on their own. So, after Slytherin's youngest snake king took over the cellar, he turned all the dormitories into slums. If you want to enjoy it, you can study hard on your own.

There were only two wooden beds in the dormitory, a brazier hung by three wires, and a narrow wardrobe. Draco sighed, looking at his suitcase thrown next to the wooden bed, and suddenly felt that everything Narcissa brought to him was indeed a disaster, of course, that is, if he was not capable.

"Okay, then. I guess we'll have to take matters into our own hands, Harry. I'm sure you won't be able to help me much without an adult wizard to guide you, and just relying on your first-year textbooks. So, I'll be doing the dormitory tidying up this year. , you watch carefully, you will be the one next year." Draco helplessly spread his hands to Harry, remembering his father's expression before leaving, thinking that Lucius knew the situation in the Slytherin cellar, But he actually watched the show and did nothing to help him stop his mother! Draco gritted his teeth with hatred, but he had no choice but to pull out his wand feebly and fight for a comfortable life in the future.

Draco first cast a space expansion spell, turning this small dormitory into a bedroom, a study, a studio, a living room, and a large bathroom. Draco changed the damp floor of the bedroom into an oak-colored floor, and covered it with a white Persian rug with long pile.

In the bedroom, Draco transformed the two wooden wooden beds into two gorgeous four-poster beds, covered with silver-green sheets and soft quilts, and transformed the narrow wardrobe into a gorgeous carved solid wood wardrobe. Add a space expansion spell inside, and place a full-body magic mirror with gorgeous patterns next to the cabinet. Get a gorgeous chandelier for the entire room, and place a wall lamp for reading at each bedside. Finally, a gorgeous large fireplace was built, a blazing flame was used to light the wood in the fireplace, and two small sofas and a small coffee table were placed nearby.

Draco walked into the bathroom and conjured up a fancy jacuzzi that was as big as a small swimming pool.

In the study, Draco placed two sandalwood tables and chairs side by side, as well as several bookshelves that were also spelled with space expansion spells.

Draco walked into the middle living room and conjured up several sets of sofas for guests. The coffee table was filled with gorgeous tea sets and pastry trays. Decorate a large fireplace with complicated patterns, light the fire, and the living room will become warm. Turn that not-so-gorgeous brazier into a large palace-style crystal chandelier.

Because Draco hadn't thought about how to decorate the studio yet, so he just left it empty and would do it later when he had time. Finally, an enhanced drying and warming spell was cast on the entire house, so that they would not feel uncomfortable even in a damp and cold cellar.

Draco frowned and looked at the room, feeling like something was missing.

Oh, Merlin's underwear, windows, he forgot to install windows in the dormitory, waved his wand, and Draco created windows in each room that could see the fish swimming in the black lake outside, and then installed thick With silver-green curtains, Draco's decoration work was finally completed perfectly.

Harry was almost dumbfounded as he watched Draco's work. He only saw Draco's wand clicking left and right, and he didn't even hear him reciting spells. A shabby and small dormitory turned into such a gorgeous palace. Oh, Merlin, Draco is so awesome...

Draco looked at the stars in his green-eyed little cat's eyes speechlessly, and then helplessly clicked on their luggage, and the two boxes automatically Once opened, everything inside automatically flies to where it should go.

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