054 Escape

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Voldemort took out his own wand from the pocket of his robes. It was made of yew and had a core from the tail feathers of the same phoenix as Harry's wand.

As soon as Voldemort raised his wand and pointed it at Harry, he was hit by a spell from the side and his wand was knocked away. Voldemort was stunned by the sudden turn of events, and then immediately jumped to the side.

It turned out that Draco had arrived with the pure-blood team. Draco had just arrived when Voldemort was stepping out of the crucible. At that time, everyone's attention was on the crucible, and no one noticed at all in the cemetery. A few more people were hit.

Draco quietly informed Harry. Harry's eyes lit up when he saw Draco's arrival, and then he took a breath deliberately to attract Voldemort's attention.

Harry's original intention was to create opportunities for Draco and the others, but he didn't expect Voldemort to raise his wand at him. Draco, who was standing by, saw this and had no choice but to sneak attack Voldemort.

Although Draco knew that using a wand behind someone's back was really unnoble behavior, but seeing the green-eyed kitten in danger, he didn't care so much. After all, reputation is nothing, life is the most important thing. If this snake-faced man had a seizure and gave Harry an Avada Kedavra, Draco wouldn't know who to talk to for reasoning...

Draco After the Expelliarmus was obtained, he immediately jumped away from the original hiding position. This was also to prevent Voldemort from counterattacking in case of failure. Taking advantage of the opportunity for Voldemort to jump to the side, Vincent immediately rushed forward and picked up the wand that Voldemort had dropped on the ground. You have to watch this thing carefully, if it can cause him a little trouble, it's a little trouble.

Voldemort's wand was picked up by Vincent. He squinted his eyes and felt that these little wizards seemed a little familiar. In fact, Voldemort's feeling was not wrong. Of course, he was very familiar with the parents of these young wizards. They were once his most loyal subordinates.

At this time, although Voldemort did not have his wand, he still did not take these minors seriously. In his eyes, they were like ants under his feet. He would die if he stepped on them casually.

Draco was confronting Voldemort on one side, and Hermione on the other side immediately ran over and untied the rope tied to Harry. Wormtail, who was lying on the ground, lost too much blood and was defenseless, so he was easily knocked unconscious by Sirius.

Once Harry was free, he immediately ran to Peter Pettigrew and found his wand in his pocket. Harry clenched his wand and stood beside Draco. He would not let Draco fight alone. He would always stand by his side and accompany him.

"Who are you?" Voldemort looked at Draco and Harry who were standing opposite him warily. He squinted his eyes. He felt that this little wizard was something he couldn't see through.

"Randall Christopher."

"Well, it seems to be a noble surname that I have never heard of. Are you not a noble?"

"I disappoint you, Your Excellency. I am a noble, but I am an elf."

"Oh. ? The elves? Do they no longer adopt a shunned attitude?"

"Sir, all my actions only represent me personally." "

Really? So, are you interested in joining the Death Eaters?"

"Haha, Dark Duke Sir, I'm sorry, I think I can only stand on the opposite side with you, and it is impossible to stand on a united front for the time being." Draco was a little speechless about the Dark Duke's proposal, what kind of divine expansion is this, now everything It's already a confrontation between two sides, and they still want to win over themselves. This is how much they think highly of themselves.

"You actually rejected Voldemort, then you will have to pay the price for your choice." Voldemort's red eyes stared at Draco fiercely. He didn't believe that anyone could reject him, and then the little wizard in front of him would actually do this. A choice that was beyond his expectation.


"Trigger side task (2): go to school, step 6: duel with the Dark Duke. Reward 120,000 experience, resurrection crystal formula."

"Trigger side task (2): go to school, step 7: kill Najib Okay. The reward is 80,000 experience points and a pet egg."

Draco listened to the system prompts in his ears, and looked at Voldemort's ferocious face and stopped being polite to him. He kept moving his position, one by one. A silent spell was thrown at him. Voldemort was not to be outdone. Although his new body was still a little uncomfortable and he didn't have the wand in his hand, he was undoubtedly powerful after being reborn. He calmly dodged Draco's spells and continued to attack Draco with silent and wandless spells.

"You go kill that snake, be careful of its poison." Draco hid while attacking, and he didn't forget to remind the pure-blood team to attack Nagini. After all, as Voldemort's pet, Nagini's attack power is also indescribable. It's despicable, and coupled with her own toxicity, anyone who gets a little bit of it will die.

The battle between Draco and Voldemort gradually became fierce. The pure-blood team attacked Nagini together. Harry stood aside and observed Voldemort's flaws, intending to hit him with one blow. Sirius stood on the outside to help the little wizards and watched. Looking at the unconscious Wormtail.

After years of training, Draco has become very good, but at this time he is gradually falling behind. After all, he is only thirteen years old, and there are many things that must be accumulated over time to achieve.

At this time, Draco did not want to unblock his elf bloodline, because once he did so, his true identity would be exposed, and if Voldemort could not be eradicated, it would bring endless trouble to the Malfoy family.

So, Draco started to use the skills in the game skill book. He attacked Voldemort with ice arrows. Voldemort couldn't understand what magic it was, but he still put armor on himself to protect himself.

Draco watched as the ice arrow hit Voldemort. Although it would not cause much damage to him, the ice arrow had the effect of slowing down Voldemort. At this time, Voldemort could no longer move as flexibly as before.

Draco fired another fireball after the ice arrow. The fireball had a burning effect and could be superimposed. Then he saw the moment when Voldemort was about to launch a spell and reflected a spell. Voldemort was actually silenced... He would be unable to use this spell for six seconds.

Draco knew all this, but Voldemort didn't. Watching the spells Draco used was like watching a magic show.

I don't know why a white magic spell hits me on my body, but it doesn't hurt much, and it doesn't cause any harm, but it makes me move slowly; a red spherical magic spell hits me on my body, and it still hurts from time to time; and the last one is even more evil. , that thing turned into a circle around him, and the spell he was about to cast became ineffective, and he could no longer cast a spell.

At this time, Voldemort, who was unable to cast a spell, finally began to panic... He felt that he had underestimated the underage wizard in front of him. He might not be as experienced as him and his magic power was not as good as his, but the spells he mastered actually had many things to do with him. Never seen before.

"What are these? Nagini, where are you? Come here quickly." Voldemort called his pet loudly. He was not even as good as an ordinary person because he couldn't cast a spell.

Draco didn't expect the effect to be so good. In fact, the counterspell was only effective for six seconds, and the effect disappeared once the time passed.

Voldemort actually only tried it after he found out that his spell had failed, and never tried to cast the spell again. This resulted in him not knowing that he could cast the spell again. He simply panicked and asked his most trusted pet to protect him.

Nagini was fighting with the pure-blood squad. He was already in a tough fight due to the disparity in numbers. Coupled with his master's shouts, he was momentarily distracted and was finally hit by a Divine Edge Shadowless Curse. The pain was like being cut by a knife, and Nagini couldn't help but roll on the ground. His snake tail kept whipping around, and the snake blood that flowed out gradually moistened the ground beneath her.

Upon seeing this, Hermione immediately told everyone to step back to avoid being accidentally injured, and then hit Nagini with several attack spells. Nagini gradually stopped struggling and slowly lost her life.

Voldemort on the other side felt the passage of Nagini's life, but had no way to help her. After all, he thought he could no longer cast spells. In desperation, Voldemort could only choose the most deceptive method - escape.

However, would Draco and the others let him just run away? Of course not...

So a few wands pointed at him and said, "Petrify everything"

"Stand still with legs and stop dead"

"Many obstacles"

Then... His Excellency the Duke of Darkness turned into a stone pillar gorgeously and fell to the ground. ...

And at the moment Voldemort fell, Dumbledore arrived with a group of the backbone of the Order of the Phoenix.

There was silence all around... After all, whoever saw the former Dark Lord fall under the staff of a group of little wizards didn't know what words to use to express it. Not even one of these little wizards could use Avada Kedavra. curse.

Indeed, no one like Draco can use Avada Kedavra, not even Draco, so what they can do is trap the Dark Duke here.

But if they can't, someone can. So Sirius, who was standing aside to escort the young wizards, raised his wand, and a green light penetrated the Dark Lord's body.

This is what Sirius got back for Regulus. This is what the Dark Lord owes them to the Black family, and he must repay it with his life.

Draco also knew why Sirius chose to take action at this time. Regulus had suffered for so long, but Avada Kedavra was too cheap for him.

Listening to the sound in his ears, Draco knew that his mission had been completed at this time. The Dark Duke was defeated again, but not by the savior, but by a group of young wizards.

The adult wizards were in shock, while the underage wizards had just experienced a battle and were relaxing. No one saw an almost transparent soul escaping from Voldemort's body...

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