040 Ginny Weasley

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Draco watched this dramatic development and couldn't help but hide aside and snicker while shaking his shoulders. This guy's wand still didn't seem to escape the fate of breaking... Draco felt that this farce was almost over. Seeing that Slytherin had received almost no real damage, several Gryffindors had already fallen down, and the Weasley twins were still barely standing. It seemed that these two people were still very capable, and finally It does not disgrace the excellent magical talent brought by the pure-blood family. As for the little brother Weasley here who is stunned and dumbfounded with his wand still connected... forget it, this man's brain is comparable to that of a troll.

Sure enough, Mrs. Hooch soon arrived with Professor McGonagall and her godfather, but Draco didn't expect that behind them there would be someone he didn't expect, the youngest girl of the Weasley family - Kim. Nee Weasley.

The arrival of the professors directly stopped this chaotic fight. The cold aura of His Majesty the Snake King silenced everyone present. The Lioness King was also very angry. She trembled her lips and read word by word from her thin lips. Spit out questions.

"Can any of you tell me what happened?"

Flint immediately stepped forward to answer, "Professor, we came to the stadium to adjust the new brooms with a note signed by Professor Snape. The Gryffindor players don't seem to be too well. We were willing to make room for us, and then that second-year Ron Weasley attacked us. We were just self-defense."

Upon hearing this, Professor McGonagall glanced at the Gryffindor players one by one with her sharp eyes, and then Speaking to Wood. "Is that so?" Wood felt that the eyes on him were extremely serious. Although he didn't want to admit it, the professors were all here and he couldn't lie. So he nodded, "Yes, Professor. But..."

When Professor McGonagall heard that this was really what happened, she interrupted Wood angrily, "But what? If there is no but, Gryffindor will deduct 50 points. Everyone, everyone participating in the armed fight." Then she turned and left, she was afraid that if he didn't leave, he would tear these idiots apart.

Severus looked around the Slytherin players inscrutably. He certainly knew why Marcus Flint specifically asked him for a note today. Then he stared at his godson, Draco shrugged at him innocently, and then Severus said coldly, "Ten points added to Slytherin for stopping a very nasty incident for Miss Weasley. A fight, and the rest of the participants will be detained in the common room for three days." After saying that, he stopped staying and left in black robes.

Ron, who was still sitting on the ground in silence for his wand, when he heard Severus's words, he jumped up from the ground with a red face and rushed to Ginny Weasley. He slapped her in front of him.

"You traitor, how could we have such a scum like you in the Weasley family. You actually went to the evil Slytherin. I will tell my mother and ask her to drive you out of the Weasley family. You belong to our entire family. Shame! There are no cunning snakes in our family, no little Death Eaters like you, and no dark wizards like you." Ginny's face turned pale after being scolded by Ron Weasley, and the only color was that of her little one just now. It was caused by the slap her brother gave her. Ginny Weasley felt darkness in front of her eyes, and the air around her seemed to become heavy and firmly oppressing her, making her breathless. She seemed to recall the yelling letter from her mother on the second day after being sorted, and she seemed to see everyone's eyes staring at her again. Some of those eyes were curious, some were indifferent, some were gloating, and some were even more malicious. Looking at her, she couldn't help but tremble, as if she felt cold...

Ron slapped Ginny in the face and was still angry. He felt that all the bad things today were caused by this bastard sister, this bastard. Just as he raised his hand to continue hitting Ginny, someone grabbed his wrist.

"Slapping a lady does not seem to be the behavior of a gentleman. Has the Weasley family, a pure-blood family, fallen into poverty and not even care about the most basic etiquette?" Draco pulled Ginny behind him. This Draco En Weasley seems to be really confused. This is his biological sister after all.

"She is my sister. This is a family matter of our Weasley family. There is no need for you to be an evil snake. You should just lick the Dark Lord's shoes and kiss the corners of his robe." Ron Weasley looked at it. There was malice in Draco's eyes, as if being able to seriously hurt Draco was a great pleasure. The reason why he didn't attack Draco just now, but chose Harry, was because even though he didn't want to admit it, Draco was indeed very good and he couldn't beat him.

"Huh, but she is now a Slytherin cub. During this month, we are obliged to protect the cub. You have to beat him now unless you can beat me first." Draco heard Ron mention The old things that the Malfoy family didn't want to mention, this time he made a note of it for the red-haired Weasley. For the people of the Malfoy family, family is their reverse scale. At all times, family and family are always put first by them.

The Weasley twins on the other side also reacted. They immediately walked up and grabbed Ron Weasley and carried him away. Before leaving, they nodded at Draco. Draco understood what they meant. They were thanking him for protecting their sister. Although her sister had entered Slytherin, she was still a blood relative. These two people understood this very well.

Ginny Weasley stood aside silently covering her face and crying. Not only was her face hurt, but her heart was hurting even more. She didn't know what was going on. Is she that evil if she enters Slytherin? If Slytherin is an evil house, then why did the Big Four at Hogwarts establish such a house? Since this college has existed for thousands of years, it must be meaningful. What's more, who said that only Slytherin can produce dark wizards, isn't there any Gryffindor? This is really ridiculous. There are good people in Slytherin, just like...

Draco wouldn't comfort girls, not to mention that he just took action just because he couldn't let others bully Slytherin students. People in Slytherin are all protective of their weaknesses. They can compete with each other in their own houses, but how is it possible for others to bully them to the point of being bullied? Therefore, Draco simply nodded to Ginny Weasley and took it as his condolences.

Ginny raised her head and glanced at the solicitor, then lowered her head and never dared to look into Draco's eyes again. Moreover, the slap her brother had just given her was so hard that she could feel her cheeks burning now, and they must have swollen. So she didn't dare to raise her head and let Draco see her in such a mess. She just whispered, "Thank you, Senior Malfoy."

Draco looked at her like this and guessed her current mood. Just tell her, "Go to Madam Pomfrey later, she will take good care of you."

"Yes, Senior." After saying that, Ginny bowed to Draco and went to the infirmary. ran in the direction.

Draco looked at the girl's thin back and felt a little emotional. Standing aside, Harry felt uncomfortable when he saw Draco still looking at Ginny. He tugged on Draco's sleeve and pulled him to eat in the auditorium.

Draco looked at the grumpy green-eyed kitten in front of him and touched his nose. The little guy seemed to be getting more and more tempered...

When he returned to the dormitory after dinner, Harry was also a little embarrassed. He knew that he seemed to be a little too much. Too willful. So they moved to the study room, smiled fawningly at Draco who was reading, hugged his arm again, and nuzzled his face into his neck.

Draco looked at the coquettish and cute Harry who was amused, and patted his head, "What are you doing?"

Harry smiled sheepishly, and then asked Draco, "Draco, what about that?" , why do you keep looking at Miss Weasley?"

"Well, actually, I just have some sense. It's not easy for this girl. You can also see that although the Weasley family has a very prosperous bloodline, their family does not know how to run a business, which has turned a pure-blood family into one that now almost requires raising children. She cannot afford children. She has six brothers, and she is the youngest girl. It stands to reason that as the only girl and the youngest, she should be the most favored in the family. Unfortunately, there are too many children, so Mrs. Weasley It is also very laborious to take care of, and there are also naughty twins, Percy Weasley who is very strong in everything, and a brain-dead younger son Ron Weasley. Therefore, as a very obedient Ginny Weasley, She gets very little attention, and now something like this has happened. She is probably the only member of the entire Weasley family who has entered Slytherin House in recent years. Her family has a very misunderstanding of Slytherin. Shen, do you still remember the yelling letter she received at the dining table on the second day of the sorting? As an outlier in the family, her current situation must be very bad. Today she suffered another blow from Ron Weasley. Slap, this little girl is probably going to be heartbroken."

"Well, Draco, how do you know so much? Do you value her so much?" Harry was a little unwilling, Draco should have looked at her all How could he have someone else's shadow?

Draco looked at the obvious expression on Harry's face and smiled inwardly, so he stole a sweet kiss on Harry's soft lips.

"How could it be? I just sympathize with her a little bit. You also know that your godfather was also an outlier in the family back then. You know what situation he faced in the end. Maybe Ginny Weasley will also be expelled from the family... No more Blessed by her family, she doesn't know how to survive in Slytherin, but maybe she will have a better life without the Weasley family..."

Draco no longer thought about irrelevant people, someone A little black cat with green eyes has already fallen into his arms. How could he not take advantage of such a good opportunity? So Draco no longer gave Harry a chance to ask questions. He lowered his head and once again captured the pair of cats that made him want to stop. Lips...

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