017 Flying Lesson

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The little lions and little snakes, who had been tortured by the snake king and the garlicky professor on the first day, were quite honest today, and they didn't have the energy to mess with them any more. The little snakes were better off. After all, the snake king only oppressed them mentally and did not attack them mentally. However, the little lions had only been in school for one day, and the gems in the hourglass were already missing, leaving the little lions in the lion's den. All had dark faces.

Even the red-haired Weasley was slumped today and stopped shouting that Harry was a traitor. After all, he was the focus of spraying the snake king's enhanced version of venom today, and he was also the main member of Gryffindor who deducted points. .

After dinner, Draco and the others, escorted by several seventh-grade Slytherins, returned to the cellar. On the way, they encountered a ghost - Peeves. Originally, Peeves was lying in wait to play tricks on them, but when he discovered the senior students escorting them, he retreated, even shouting, "Slytherin brats, wait until I come back next month." You guys."

After returning to the dormitory, Draco decided to teach Harry the noble etiquette first.

"Harry, you have to know that a person's clothing and appearance can be changed by external forces. However, a person's inner temperament is developed since childhood. We will start training aristocratic etiquette from today. Although I like you very much now, even I don't think you need to learn these things at all, but in order to make your life in Slytherin easier in the next seven years, I decided to teach you these things."

"Yes, Draco, I understand." Since then Harry, who had cried heartily yesterday, already understood that his situation in Slytherin was not so optimistic. After all, if he did not want to rely on Draco as an accessory, these homework tasks were the tasks he had to complete.

"So, first of all, what I want to teach you is sitting, standing, walking, and facial expressions."


Looking at Harry who was sleeping soundly, Draco knew that these things were really unfamiliar to him. After all, Harry had no parental upbringing since he was a child, and his only aunt still regarded him as a monster. It was good to have food to eat, and there was no need to talk about etiquette.

However, time is really running out. If Harry cannot let other nobles see his transformation within a month, then for Harry, the nightmare will begin. Even if he could protect him for a while, he couldn't protect him forever. By then, Harry would have to be eaten alive by Slytherin sooner or later.

Draco was relaxing in the bath, but his mind was racing as he made plans for Harry. And he thought of the parcel that had been delivered to him this morning. Inside the oiled paper bag were the industrial documents that needed his signature, as well as the investigative report on Hermione Granger.

Hermione Granger comes from the Muggle world, and her parents are both doctors. I originally thought she was a hemp, but I didn't expect that after in-depth investigation, I learned that her mother was actually the last descendant of a reclusive pure-blood noble, so she was a mixed-race. There are only two mixed-races in the history of Slytherin. Hermione Granger is the third. The first two are the Dark Duke and the youngest Potions Master, Draco's godfather-Slytherin. His Majesty the Snake King. Slytherin has not responded to Hermione Granger yet, which can only mean that they have not obtained Granger's information. After all, the intelligence system of the Malfoy family is not comparable to that of everyone.

Draco felt that this Hermione Granger must have something extraordinary, but he probably wouldn't have time to get in touch with this little brown-haired witch this week. After all, this week had been occupied by Harry's intensive training. It was full, and Draco was planning to take Harry to Diagon Alley over the weekend. There were too many things they needed to do.

Thinking of this, Draco felt an even bigger headache. Not only did he have to buy a bunch of daily necessities for Harry, but he also had to buy those luxuries bit by bit. It seemed that his life skills were going to come in handy. And he wanted to start studying life skills, but what he lacked the most was materials. He planned to go to Diagon Alley to buy regular materials and also go to the alleys to find a batch of materials. The last stop is Gringotts. As the last heir of the Potter family, Harry needs to inherit the Potter family's treasury. Draco also needs to see the treasury that can be opened by the treasury key he received as a reward. It would be best to visit the Malfoy family vault again. Maybe, Harry would like to go back to the Potter family's ancestral home. I heard that it was there that he gave the Dark Lord a fatal blow, and that it was also where he lost his parents who loved him most.

Phew, I don't want to think about it anymore. Draco stopped all the thoughts that were running around in his head and decided to go to bed. After all, it was too late.

On this day, when Draco took Harry into the Slytherin common room, he found that the little snakes were no longer calm, and they all looked very excited.

"What happened? You showed me 24 white teeth, Blaise."

"Oh, Draco, I guess you didn't read the bulletin board at the door of the lounge."

"Uh-huh, What did you write?"

"I have flying lessons this afternoon."

"You laughed so hard just to ride a silly broom? I think if I write to your mother, your etiquette class I guess it's time to go back to the old school." Draco's voice was not loud, but the first-year snakes in the entire lounge could still hear it very clearly. They all immediately returned to their elegant aristocratic demeanor. They were just so excited about taking flying lessons. All disappeared.

"Uh-huh." Draco snorted with satisfaction and took the green-eyed kitten to have breakfast. He was quite satisfied with the performance of the little milk cat. Although his eyes were bright, he always maintained a reserved smile on his face. He scored 80 points and studied well.

"What? Do you like flying?" Draco gently stroked the little cat's hair.

"Well, I think so, Draco. I want to try what it feels like to fly in the sky. It must be very freeing." Harry's shining green eyes looked at Draco eagerly, with words written all over his face. He said: "Please praise me, please comfort me."

Draco couldn't help the little kitten, so he patted him on the head and asked him to walk well. I have to say that Harry has done very well in the aristocratic etiquette courses these days, and the learning effect is also very good. As long as he integrates the knowledge he has learned into his own behavior bit by bit, and then penetrates into his bone marrow. , he is a qualified noble. But this requires not only hard work, but also time. For example, Draco himself started taking aristocratic etiquette classes at the age of 2.

We came to the open space in front of the door and waited. After a while, everyone came one after another. This flying lesson was still between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

"Okay, what are you all waiting for?" Mrs. Hooch said sternly, "Everyone stand next to a broomstick. Quick, quick, hurry up."

Draco lowered his head and found that the brooms were old and old. The branches at the end of the tree were standing in confusion. This really doesn't fit with Malfoy's aesthetics.

"Put your right hand over the broom handle," Mrs. Hooch shouted from the front, "and say, 'Get up!'"

"Get up!" everyone shouted.

Draco just said something in a low voice, and the broom rolled on the ground without thinking about it. Harry successfully picked up the broom in one go, and his green eyes almost turned into crescents when he smiled.

"Okay, as soon as I whistle, you kick your legs off the ground and push hard." Mrs. Huo Qi said, "Hold the broom steadily, rise a few feet, then lean forward slightly and fall vertically back to the ground. Listen to my whistle... three... two..."

However, Neville Longbottom of Gryffindor was too nervous and was afraid of being left on the ground, so he didn't wait for the whistle to touch Mrs. Hooch's lips. He kicked hard and flew up. Without the guidance of a professor, he fell from a height but luckily only broke his arm. Mrs. Huo Qi floated him to the hospital wing, leaving the little snake and the little lions alone. It is obvious what will happen...

The red-haired Weasley saw Harry as if he were seeing his sworn enemy who killed his father, and shouted loudly that Harry was a traitor and was friends with Death Eaters. When Harry was flying in the sky, he even bumped into Harry on his broomstick without overestimating his abilities. As a result, he unfortunately fell off the broom. At that time, the other little lions were frightened, and the little snakes would never care about the life and death of this true pure-blood traitor. Harry couldn't bear to see Ron Weasley falling from the sky, so he accelerated and rushed over. When Ron was about to fall to the ground, he finally caught up with him. Then he pulled up the broom at a wide angle and grabbed it. He grabbed Ron's back collar and accelerated upwards, finally taking the strength off Ron's body, and then placed him on the ground. At this time, Ron's face was just flushed, even more than the color of his hair. He looked at Harry with complicated eyes, but he refused to say thank you.

Harry ignored him and walked towards Draco with a broom. Draco stroked Harry's hair. He raised his head and looked behind Harry, and instantly froze, because His Majesty the Snake King of Slytherin was striding towards them with billowing black robes.

"Mr. Potter, I thought your brain was not completely eaten by the troll. If you really want to break your neck, you can ask me to do it for you. You don't need to use such difficult movements. Slytherin will deduct 2 points. , for your stupidity, follow me to the principal's office now." The snake king's snake letter sprayed venom, which scared the little snakes and little lions to tremble, and Harry turned even pale. Because everyone knows how partial Severus Snape is to Slytherin, and now he has deducted points from the Snake House for the first time, which shows how angry he is. Draco just raised his eyebrows, thinking that his godfather was really awkward and cute.

"As for you, stupid lions, 10 points will be deducted from Gryffindor. For your arrogance, Gryffindor will deduct another 10 points for your stupidity. Huh, as for Mr. Weasley, he will serve one week in labor service, at 8pm See you in the cellar."

Then, just like when he came, the billowing black robe took a green-eyed kitten to the principal's office, leaving not a single cloud behind.

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