A dance with death. (Megatron x Ex-Sparkmate autobot reader)

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Hey guys so.....I had some writers block and for that I am so fragging sorry. So here is something a little different. What if and hear me out. We spice up Megatron's life just a little bit. Bringing an Ex-Sparkmate in I mean sounds pretty fun to me. Alright enough talk let's get onto the story.

(P.s: "This is not a lemon nor is it a fluff. There is also a breakup note in this if you are uncomfortable with breakup notes of any kind then do not read. Thank you.)

Y/n and Megatron had gone a long way back. They were always around each other, always there for each other, and no matter what always protected each other. It wasn't until the war got extremely bad that Y/n left him. What gorgeous and beautiful relationship they had turned into a rusted sharp blade that couldn't be pulled out of the stone that his spark turned into.

Eventually Megatron stopped paying attention to his Sparkmate and it ended with them getting into a fight that broke their sparkbond. Soon Y/n left Kaon and Megatron, though he regretted it to this day, never went after her.

*A few hundred years later*

Megatron stood in the command center of his ship watching over the monitors when Airachnid walked in.

Airachnid: "Lord Megatron, forgive me for my intrudence but I was wondering what ever happened to queen Y/n?"

Instantly the entire room went silent and Megatron's frame went stiff.

Megatron took a moment to speak as a pang of some type of guilt jolted through his spark at hearing her name.

Megatron: "Do not speak of her around me, Airachnid."

Airachnid only bowed before turning and walking out.

Megatron: "BACK TO WORK!"

Megatron's frame slightly relaxed again as memories of him and Y/n flooded through his mind.

Later on that night Megatron slowly walked back to his room before he picked up an old holopad that had the note she had left.

He remembered that he reread this holopad every night for almost two Earth months and now here he was about to read it again.

Megatron sighed as he turned on the holopad and unlocked it.

"Dear Megatron,

I know that I've messed up by doing this but if you're looking for me or if you're not you should know that I left. I know that what we had was special and considered the 'perfect diamond in the rough' relationship but now.....it's simply just toxic. And I'm sorry that I left but it was better for both of us. Sure we've had our fights and outbursts before but this time, was the first time you've ever gotten so upset to the point of making me cry. I get that being a leader puts stress on your shoulders but.....it would still have felt nice to lay in your arms every once in awhile and be the femme to help you relieve that stress.

Know that I will always treasure our beautiful moments everywhere between our morning and night flights to our glorious all night dances at Harmonex after watching the sun set.

I remember how long those nights were when we danced. How our sparks beat to the rhythm of the song and how our bodies swayed. That was the first night we got together......I wish so many times for that night to repeat itself.

I know that leaving you is probably a mistake on my part but I can't stand seeing you this stressed all the time and you not letting me do anything about it, once again I am truly sorry. Know that no matter what you become I will love you, my dearest Megatronus.


Your love, Y/n"

Megatron growled as tears dripped off his face before he turned the holopad off and shoved it back into his bottom drawer.

Megatron sat there his servos fisted up as he bit his tongue and cried.

*A few weeks later*

The autobots ran through the area as they fought the Decepticons. One by one the cons fell. Megatron stood above the field on a cliff before he jumped down and engaged with Optimus. As they fought Arcee kicked into him knocking him a few feet backwards before he stood up and aimed only for someone to shoot his blaster causing his aim to go off course before he looked over as he was thrown down into a gorge.

Megatron grunted and growled as he knocked over trees and other forms of plant life until he rolled down into a clearing at the bottom in the gorge. He carefully started to get up on his knees to stand up only for a transformation sequence to sound as someone landed right in front of him.

Slowly he looked up to see a blaster barrel in his face and Y/n standing in front of him as she aimed at him.

Megatron: "Y/n..."

Y/n: "Megatron.....have fun while I was gone?"

Megatron simply stared up at her his optics narrowed.

Megatron: "Are you gonna finish it or not?"

Y/n's optics narrowed as she pulled the gun away before unsheathing her blade.

Megatron slowly stood up and unsheathed his before they started.

As they fought it became almost like a dance. Each clash of their blades created some type of form and flow. Was it intentional? No it wasn't and it never was.

They soon became lost in their tango until they were spent.

they both stood on each side of the field until the autobot bridge opened up and she slowly walked through without giving him a second glance until the very last moment once the bridge had closed.

Megatron sheathed his blade before he clenched his fists as a couple tears streamed down his face before he turned and transformed taking off into the sky.

Once he returned to the nemesis he stood there and looked out into the sky as he thought back to how she fought. He knew he still loved her even though his spark had gone dark.

Alrighty so I think I did pretty good on this even though I had writers block.

Anyways I do hope you all enjoyed it and that you have a great day, night, wherever you are in the world keep living your life to the fullest and I'll post again soon. Bye-bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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