Long time no see wrecker! (Bulkhead x femme reader)

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Traveling with wheeljack was always interesting. Constantly on the run from cons, beating up cons, chasing then, blowing up their ships after saving or stealing bots and stuff from inside. That's how he found me after all , since then, it's all we really do nowadays. I remember how he found me locked in my cell.

Flash back

Con: "Now, now, little bot, this won't take too long."

I blinked my optics open, slightly aware that there was more than just one con in my cell. I started to chuckle.

Y/n: "Hit me with your best shot, Decepticreeps, just one mess up could cause freedom."

The leader of the small group just laughed at my statement.

Con: "Oh trust me, little bot. We don't mess up."

He started coming towards me. Of course, I didn't budge. This was their routine. I was the only autobot on this ship other than my ex-con minicon lunatic. And a lunatic he is. He's always biting anyone he sees as a threat. And then transforming and shocking them before they can even catch him. He used to work under Megatron specifically but was only permitted to come out of his cage during battle. Now that I have him, he's calmed down significantly.

The cons started to surround me. I was chained to the wall, so I didn't have much walking room. The con raised the whip only for gunshots to be heard from outside and a bomb to blast the door wide open.

Y/n: "Heya, Jackie been awhile."

He noticed me and immediately killed all the cons surrounding me.

Wheeljack: "Damn Y/n, they've been torturing you for a while now, haven't they."

Y/n: "Sharp whip, lowsy shot. Barly even hurt at first."

After he got me out of my bounds, I started with him down the halls and got my minicon out, stole the supplies on the ship, downloaded any info, took the computer parts, and blew the ship up.

Flashback end

Wheeljack: "Hey Y/n/n"

I opened my optics when he said the nickname he gave me and sat up.

Y/n: "Something wrong, jackie?"

Wheeljack: "Nope, but we're almost their."

Y/n: "Good, I wanna get back at dreadwing."

Wheeljack laughed, then put in the nitro boost, and within 8 Earth minutes, we were fighting dreadwing head-on.

Wheeljack: "Got nowhere to go con!!"

Y/n: "Now hold still!!!!"

Wheeljack was rushing towards him before I saw a jet fly brand hover above him. I was about to shoot before the jet started shooting at Dreadwing.

I was so focused that I didn't realize Jackie had gotten hurt until a bridge opened up revealing some bots.

Y/n: "Huh, finally someone familiar."

I started shooting at him again and realized that dreadwing had started to scan the jet. Soon, wheeljack screamed out only for dreadwing to fly away and the whole building to blow up.

By the time the fire calmed down, a bridge was close to closing. I called for lunatic and ran through with him just in time to hear wheeljack telling the story.

Bulkhead: "You only found him."

Wheeljack: "No, found someone else."

Bulkhead: "Who?"

Y/n: "Well, well, long time no see wrecker."

Bulkhead turned around and gasped.

Y/n:"Been awhile wrecking ball."

He immediately picked me up into a wrecker hug, and to be honest, I was glad. Then I felt bulk accidentally hit one of my scars and winced.

Bulk heard it and put me down. Then, he got a good look at me.

Bulkhead: "What in primus name happened to you."

Wheeljack spoke up before I could. "Cons had her on a deposit ship. Tortured her with some whips."

Bulk looked at me, almost about to cry.

Y/n: "Aw, Bulk, it's alright. I'm fine."

He started shaking slightly.

Y/n: "Hey, now wreckers don't get this upset. Tell you what, let's get wheeljack fixed up, then we'll go for a fly in the jack hammer."

Ratchet: "Yip, yip, yip, you will not be flying anywhere. I have a lot of repairs to do on you."

Y/n: "But Bulk will -"

Ratchet: "Bulkhead will have Wheeljack. You will get repairs understood."

I sighed in defeat.

Y/n: "You're the doctor, very well,"

By the time that wheeljack finished bulk and Jackie not only went for a fly but got bulk almost blown to bits, dreadwing trapped, a bunch of collateral damage, and I MISSED IT ALL!!!!!

So now I'm getting the bomb out of bulks chest plates.

Optimus: "Will you be able to get it off?"

Y/n: "Oh, I can get it off it'll just take a click."

Wheeljack was getting repairs as I carefully worked, and then I looked at bulk.

Bulkhead: "What's wrong?"

Y/n: "Nothing, just thinking."

Bulkhead: "Bout what?"

Just then, I got the bomb off and looked at him and spoke.

Y/n: "You under me."

Bulk blushed as bright as a cube of energon, causing me to roll on my back laughing.

Everyone was confused, including the kids. Then they looked at bulk.

Wheeljack: "Getting flustered there bulk?"

I started to laugh even harder when miko spoke up, saying that was the most brightest shade of blue she'd ever seen.

After everyone had gotten fixed, we had a party. It lasted almost the rest of the day, and later, wheeljack decided to explore Earth. But before he left, he spoke into our audios.

Wheeljack: "I better be an uncle someday. BTW Y/n I expect you to rail him tonight."

I took my digits and walked them up Bulk's chin.

Y/n: "Oh, don't worry. He won't be able to walk tomorrow."

This caused bulk to shiver from helm to pede as wheeljack took off to explore.

That night, me and bulk had gone at it multiple times, and now we were cuddling.

Y/n: "I missed this..."

Bulkhead: "Me too... I kinda forgot how good you are at domination. Goes funky with how cuddly you are."

Y/n: "Oh, shut up and kiss me already."

I forgot how much I missed this. His kisses, his cuddles, and his spark. The spark I claimed completely two Earth hours ago.

He's my wrecker. And I wouldn't change it for the world.

And as for lunatic. He ended up staying and helping ratchet with clean up in the med bay only to get a good checkup and a very, very comfortable berth to recharge in.

Okay, so....I don't have many ideas for bulk. Sorry if this disappointed you guys. But I figured short, simple, and cuddles was good, so that's what I did. I hope you enjoyed it.

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