Megatron x femme Predicon reader

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WARNING: This story does contain lemon 🍋 at the end.

Darkness.......that was all y/n could really remember after the incident.
Her brothers were dying, and they all knew that y/n was dying as well. It was just slower. Since she was the care predicon, no one really messed with her. That, however, wasn't the real problem. The predicons became restless that they would never be able to serve the great lord of kaon again, so they did something that they believed would be honorable. Every night, the predicons would fight until one died, and then the others would take away the Armor and give it to y/n. The hope was that since y/n was the healthiest she would be the strongest for there great lord and after the last predicon finished the stasis pod and passed to the Allspark y/n went inside with the sadness of knowing what the pod was truly made of. And after millions of years of stasis, someone finally uncovered it.

Vehicon Fr3dd11: "Lord Megatron, comander Starscream we have uncovered something."

Starscream and Megatron looked to the vehicon curious, to say the least.

Starscream:"Is it that strong energon signal that we came for."

Vehicon Fr3dd11:"No sir, it appears to be a stasis or escape pod."

At this, both cons optics went wide. They were deeper underground. A pod shouldn't be able to be here unless it came years ago and just sank slowly while the earth formed over time. Both cons walked over and were shocked to see that it was about the same size as Megatron but just a tad bit smaller.

Megatron then slid down into the crevis along with the vehicons and walked up to the pod slowly. He started to look around the pod expecting an autobot but instead was relieved to see that on the back of the pod was a decepticon insignia burned into the smooth metal.

Starscream:"It looks to have been makshifted from a different metal."
Megatron:"Do you think I can't tell Starscream?"
Starscream:"I was just speaking aloud my liege."
Megatron then turned to the vehicon "get this out of the crevis. We will leave it to knockout to take care of whoever or whatever is inside."
Vehicon Fr3dd11:"Yes lord Megatron."

Back on the Nemesis

Y/n pov. (I could hear voices, but they were all mushed together as I awoke.)

Y/n:(Cube? in energon cube....not that I don't want it, but I don't even know where I am.)

Y/n could feel the pinch of the infusion, but with her body being as numb as it is, she didn't really feel it. What she did feel was energon seeping through her entire body. She could also feel it glowing through her seems in her armour.which, to say the least, caught the cons off guard.

Starscream:"Knockout, is that normal?"
Knockout and breakdown then turned to starscream. "I don't think so."
Y/n:"It's a...longer....time."

The cons were shocked as they turned to the mystery con. The glowing was brighter, but then they understood. With her body type, it looks as though it's warming the energon to slowly get her used to it.
Breakdown started to walk closer to her. "You shouldn't speak. You're too weak to do so."
Starscream:"If she is strong enough to walk, she isn't staying in here long."
Knockout:"she still hasn't recuperated yet. After all, she just awoke from almost a 10 million year stasis."
Breakdown looked at the two about to speak, but the stranger beat him to it.
Y/n:"I know.... that I am.... much weaker....than you all... but this isnt...isn't.... the first time....I've been in....bad shape."
Y/n started to open her optics only to see the three in the room and chuckled with relief when she saw a decepticon insignia on Starscream.

TFP Oneshots and IdeasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora