Return of the sky. (Dreading x femme Decepticon reader)

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Yes after watching a scene from Tfp I finally got a chance to write something. NO MORE WRITERS BLOCK!!!! Well....for now at least anyways let us get to this story and I do hope you enjoy.

Y/n flew closer and closer towards the atmosphere of the planet till finally she felt the hot flames go across her body. Luckily she survived a lot worse.

Once she was inside the first layer it was easy for her to finally get to the clouds.

Y/n: "Whew that was a little hot. Hope none of my wings are burned."

Y/n could see the whole area around her before she flew up and did a flip so she would plummet towards earth only to rear up, transform, and land.

Y/n: "Whew. My cybertronian mode probably isn't cut out for this planet. Heh, doesn't look like it's crawling with cons yet. Hmmm however the last time I got a Decepticon signal was this planet so maybe just maybe there are others here."

Y/n continued to look around earth and eventually found something she wasn't expecting. Optimus prime standing around a bunch of organisms which to her looked like the description she had found of humans.

Y/n just stared him down and growled before she noticed a jet that was being rolled out of the warehouse behind Optimus.

Y/n: "Hmm....sleek features, strong looking model. That will do very nicely."

Y/n quickly scanned it catching Optimus's attention.

Optimus looked right to where she was and once she was finished she looked back at him.

Y/n smirked as she walked out from behind the trees.

Y/n: "Hello.....Orion."

Optimus was shocked to see her before he stepped forward to speak.

Optimus: "If you-"

Y/n: "Relax. I won't touch the humans. You should already know why I'm here anyways. *Chuckles* See you on the battlefield....Pax."

In an instant she transformed and flew straight up into the clouds as Optimus starred not only shocked but also scarred.

Y/n flew for awhile before landing on the highest point in the area before she turned on her old beacon. It flashed and flicked for a second before finally blooming into the sky.

Y/n: "This could take awhile."

*On the nemesis*

Megatron stood with Airachnid and Dreadwing when a Vehicon pressed a few buttons and brought up the beacon locations onto his screen.

Vehicon: "Lord Megatron. We have a Decepticon beacon up."

Megatron turned towards the Vehicon before turning to Dreadwing.

Megatron addressed the Vehicon as he stared at Dreadwing.

Megatron: "Similar to Dreadwing's signal?"

Vehicon: "Yes Lord Megatron."

Megatron: "Bring up the coordinates and head towards the awaiting Decepticon. Perhaps we shall get someone as equal in loyalty to Dreadwing."

As Y/n held up the beacon she eventually saw the Nemesis.

Y/n: "So there are other cons. Looks like I've hit a good planet after all."

Y/n transformed and flew straight up into the ship before landing then made her way towards the main terminal of the ship.

Y/n then walked through the main doors to see Megatron.

Y/n walked forward before kneeling in front of him.

TFP Oneshots and IdeasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon