A little unexpected. (Megatron x Starscream's sister)

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Y/n stood next to her brother observing the area as he ordered troops around the mines.

Starscream: "Of the energon deposites we have located when you were away Lord Megatron this one is by far the most significant. The drones have been mining without pause during your absence and have massed quite a stockpile."

Starscream only looked down at a drone and caught his attention.

Starscream: "You there fetch me a sample."

Megatron: "Starscream! Now that I have returned I shall issue the commands."

Y/n didn't look over and only stared out at the mine in thought while Starscream and Megatron spoke to each other.

Y/n then noticed a drone get his pedes stuck in crumbled rocks before she jumped down helping him out.

After a couple of minutes she squeaked at the feeling of stuff splatter on her back before turning around and seeing nothing.

Y/n only shrugged as she continued on before transforming and flying back to the ship.

Over the rest of the day Y/n started to feel weird. Her body started to burn and her mind started to whirl soon she decided to return to her berth room and after drinking a couple energon cubes she fell into recharge.

She slept for awhile as her mind raced subconsciously while her energon levels and recharge cycles regulated themselves.

After a while she woke up to see she was clinging to Megatron who was also asleep causing her wings to twitch in embarrassment as she blushed.

Y/n carefully slipped out from underneath Megatron's arm causing his servo to graze her wing slightly causing her body to buzz as she moaned causing Megatron to wake up slightly.

Megatron only grabbed her and pulled her back up onto the berth before he leaned into her and starred her in the optics.

Megatron: "Relax Y/n."

Y/n only closed her eyes before she laid her helm into the crook of his neck as she slept.

Y/n woke up in a sweat at the dream. Her protoform had condensation sticking close to the inside of her armor causing her to get up and find a shower.

Y/n sighed at the hot oil flowing over her form when she heard a clang and then looked up to see her brother stomp in.

Y/n: "Starscream, get out."

Starscream: "Ugh those fragging piece of scrap miners look at me!"

Y/n: "It's just raw energon smoke, you're fine."

Starscream: "Just hurry up."

Y/n: "Why can't you use yours?"

Starscream: "Because mine has been broken. The Vehicons haven't gotten to it yet."

Y/n: "Sure, mine just has hotter oil."

Starscream only rolled his eyes as he ranted.

Starscream continued to rant until she was done and Starscream started his own shower.

Y/n groaned when she put her armor back on and started walking carefully through the ship.

Soon Y/n turned a corner only to almost bump into Megatron had he not stopped first.

Y/n: "Apologies, Lord Megatron."

Y/n bowed slightly as she walked around him only for Megatron to speak.

Megatron: "Y/n."

Y/n: "Yes, my Lord?"

Megatron: "Where is Starscream?"

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