Doctor? (Ratchet x Mech reader)

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WARNING: NSFW is in this. Includes a serious make-out session. Along with a couple of other things. Enjoy.

Traveling space, cybertron, old ships, you name it, it got old. And with there not being much energon to spare, it meant that I had to get out and use my bridge to go to different planets. Half the time, the bridge would break down, and I would have to go all across the planet just to get one single FRAGGING PART!!!!!....... Just like I had done now. Installing a mostly new computer component that was salvaged from iacon.

Y/n: "And.....Done. Now, hopefully, I can get it to work."

I finished installing everything else and then pressed the coordinates button.

*bridge activates"

Y/n: "Yes!!!!"

The next thing I knew, the control started short circercuting.

Y/n: "The frag?"

Then I was pulled in.

Y/n: " Oh, Scrap!!!"

I grabbed the nearest thing I could, but it was useless as I was pulled in.

The space bridge was failing, and I could tell cause it felt like my armor was being pulled off.

Y/n: "Oh, Primus! Please don't let this be my Fragging end."

Pretty soon, my vision went black.

Ratchet pov

Raph: "Hey, Ratchet!!!"

Ratchet: "Yes, Raph."

Raph: "Is the groundbridge supposed to be activating on its own!!?"

I automatically ran to the main room where everyone, including Optimus, was struggling to keep their footing.

Ratchet: "What in the name of Primus is going on!!!"

Bulkhead: "Don't know we were just replacing a part on the consol when it activated!"

Jack: "Turn it off!!!!!"

I started reaching for the controls when the groundbridge glowed up, and a bot flew out, skidding across the floor. Then the bridge closed.

Miko: "The Frag just happened?"

Bulkhead: "Miko, Language!!"

Miko: "Which one English or Japanese."

Jack: " Miko, a bot just flew in, and you're making jokes."

Miko: "What! Bulk asked."

Jack: "Is he okay?"

Optimus walked over as I started examining him.

Ratchet: "He's alive. Luckily."

Arcee: "Is he an Autobot or a Decepticon?"

Optimus knelt down next to me and observed the bot until he finally found one on the front side of the bots shoulder.

Optimus: "Autobot....Ratchet, you think you could fix him up."

I observed the bot and nodded.

Optimus picked the bot up and brought him back to the medbay.

Ratchet: "Alright... I'll let you know when he wakes up."

Optimus: "Very well, old friend."

Once Optimus walked back to the main room, I started working on the mystery bot.

Ratchet: " did the bridge bring you here?"

Y/n pov

I woke up to hear beeping and felt something hot on my shoulder.

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