entertainment. (Arcee x Turrantula Decepticon femme reader)

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I could hear the battle ahead. Loud, proud, and crazy. My favorite I looked to my side, seeing Airachnid smile creepily making me mad. I wasn't a big fan of Airachnid nor her battle style. Then again, almost no one liked Airachnid in the first place. I got my blade ready, waited for the command, and jolted right out of the nemisis into the battlefield.

The first autobot I met with was the scout Bumblebee.

Y/n: "Hello, scout, care to dance. I would love to see if you can keep up."

I hissed at him as I lunged at him, grabbing his servo and flinging him over my shoulder plates, tossing him into the woods.

I could hear everyone on the battlefield, including Optimus and Megatron, facing off with each other. I had Bumblebee up against the tree. I didn't like killing autobots up close, just fighting them and giving them some bad dents and wounds. I looked at the scout after scanning the battlefield.

I came in close hissing with my leg up, allowing him to say anything he wanted to.

Before he could even beep, I felt a kick to my side, making me hiss. I dug my extra legs into the ground, my small prickles digging in as well as flick up, ready to strike.

I shook my helm before looking up and seeing her.

Y/n: (Arcee....)

I hadn't seen Arcee sense just before the war. We weren't friends, but we had some interesting conversations in classes with the teacher. I still remember the time she made me laugh, causing almost everyone to get surprised.

I absolutely loved her sass, as much as her personality in general.

Arcee: "Y/n...."

I then saw Airachnid lunging towards her.

Y/n: *hiss* *lunges*

Arcee got into battle positions, but I had lunged over her into Airachnid.

I looked behind me, shot some webbing, and ran into the battlefield again, helping Knockout and Breakdown.

Once the battle was done, I saw that my webbing was still stuck to both of them and saw airachnid walking close.

I hissed, flinging small metal hairs at her. Causing her to scream. I then ran over, picking arcee and Bumblebee up before jumping into a cave.

Arcee: "Y/n Put us DOWN."

Bee: " *Yeah, this stuff feels wierd.*"

Y/n: (good that means it'll keep them safe from her acid)

I could hear Airachnid screeching at me.

Airachnid: "I know you understand me, Y/n. Now let me tear out your Spark."

I looked at Arcee.

I prickled out some of my hairs and flung them into the webbing giving her a chance to grab one and cut her way out.

Once she did, she climbed onto my back, clearly seeing if I would do anything. Of course, I just kept going.

Arcee: "Y/n, I have no idea what you're doing, but I need you to fling me."

I flicked up and then flung her into airachnid, allowing her to take care of her.

I kept on running when I felt my foot get caught on something, making me screech. I kept on twisting it before I just blasted the rocks around it, making me whimper before just dealing with the pain and continuing on.

Pretty soon, I dug upward and jumped up behind the autobots, landing gracefully.

The Autobots jumped, looking behind me.

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