Damn that smirk (Femme autobot reader x Megatron)

926 20 18

Okay, yes, I know.....I've already done 3 Megatron x reader stories and a galvatron one....but.....I DONT GIVE A FRAG!!

This story is gonna most likely be confusing and may end up being long....however, it should be very entertaining. Without further ado, let us get into it.

Post war

:location:Cybertron; city: "Kaon"

The vot was thrown down to the ground.

Cheers erupted from everywhere as Y/n sat in the audience drawing while her friends watched the match unfold.

Her friends, Lunar and Starflight, stood up with the rest of the crowd.

Starflight: "Cmon Y/n at least enjoy the show."

Y/n only rolled her optics while she drew.

That was when she heard someone yell.


Next thing Y/n knew her friends and the rest of the crowd jumped back as a sword clanged down, sliding to her pedes.

Y/n didn't even flinch as she looked down seeing the energon stained blade.

The crowd around her was silent as they stared at the blade.

Y/n just bent down picking it up carefully.

She then looked up to see the gladiator staring at her before he got distracted and used to his other blade to take care of the second opposing gladiator.

The rest of the crowd sat back down as Y/n looked at the blade before gently laying it on her lap.

Lunar: "Y/n.....that has blood on it."

Starflight: "Yeah, it's dripping all over you."

Y/n: "To which it can be cleaned off. It's not like I wanted to be here anyway."

Starflight: "Are you going to keep it?"

Y/n: "Of corse not....I'm just holding it for him."

Soon, the match was over, and Y/n stood just outside with her friends.

As others walked by, they scurried away at the fact that someone was just casually holding a blade with energon still dripping on it.

Lunar: "Thanks for getting us those tickets, Y/n."

Starflight: "Yeah, you're the best."

Y/n: "It was no problem."

Lunar: "I still can't believe that we had to force you to buy yourself a ticket."

Y/n only rolled her optics when she looked over and noticed the gladiator walking with who I'm guessing was his master.

Y/n looked at the blade she was holding before she started walking up while her friends geeked out to each other.

Y/n: "Umm....Excuse me."

The gladiator stopped before turning and looking at her.

Y/n: "Umm....I think you may need this."

The gladiator smiled before he took it from her and jammed it back into his arm.

Gladiator: "Thank you, but you're well..."

Y/n looked down at her body.

Y/n: "Oh, it's fine. I know these things can get a bit messy."

Gladuator: "You didn't have to pick it up, you know."

Y/n: "Yeah, but if I didn't, no one would've sat back down."

Y/n: "Anyways, I'd better get going. Your boss is waiting for you."

TFP Oneshots and IdeasWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt