Part 66. Friendship's Assurance

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Shreyas and Jassi were sitting by Virat's side. After an hour they heard some sound which indicated that he was waking up. But instead they felt him thrashing his legs and shaking his head mumbling something.

Jassi rubbed his palm and caressed his hair, "Vi bhai, it is a dream, it is not real", he kept assuring him as they were not understanding what he was saying.

"Rah, please don't", Shreyas heard KL's name. He just ran out of the room to find KL.

He reached Rohit's room, "K, get up-- Virat bhai is panicking in his sleep taking your name. Come with me", Shreyas dragged KL from Rohit's lap and took him to Virat's room.

Jaddu helped Rohit in the wheelchair and they went to Virat's room. 

KL sat beside Virat, "Virat bhai, I am here-- please calm down", he whispered softly.

It took 15 mins for Virat to calm down and then wake up where KL made him sit properly. Once he was aware that KL was beside him, "you left?", said Virat in a low voice.

"Ofcourse I did and if you again try something like what you did 2 days back, I will leave you forever", KL said sternly.

One thing Maya had told him to be honest with Virat as in every recovery or phase of Virat's one thing was constant and that was KL which just indicated how important was KL's presence to Virat.

Virat looked at him with moist eyes, KL just put an arm around him and hugged him, "I still hate you for what you did by the way", Virat heard KL mumble in the hug.

"I know", Virat said back breaking the hug but not the hold on KL's hand.

"Now if your Bharat Milap is over, Virat you got to eat something", Jaddu said and everyone chuckled.

Shreyas, Jassi and Jaddu went to help Ash.

"Your sessions?", Virat asked seeing Rohit on the wheel chair.

KL looked at Rohit who was already looking at him not knowing if they should share it with Virat how Rohit was admitted in the hospital.

Virat saw the exchange, "What is going on?", he asked.

"Virat, after you left the farmhouse, Rohit started to experience sharp back pain, so we had to admit him to the same hospital as you. Jassi notified the medical staff that you had provided their contact information. They examined him and advised rest for a couple of days, so the session will begin tomorrow. And also, they would like to speak with you about something", KL went into detail about everything.

"I am okay now", Rohit said gently seeing Virat worried about him. He just nodded at that.

"You should rest", Virat said as Rohit was there for quite sometime, "can you send Jaddu?", Virat said as KL was helping Rohit back in his room.

KL did the same, he sent Jaddu while he and Jassi helped Rohit on the bed. Jassi got lunch for Rohit which he had with medications followed after. He was anyway tired and needed sleep so he agreed when Virat said that he should rest.

"You okay?", Jaddu said passing him the juice. 

"What did Rohit's doctors say that day? Do you have my phone? I cannot find my phone", Virat said worried about what did Rohit's doctors wanted to talk. 

Jaddu searched for the phone in the room, "Don't think so much, we will talk to the doctors, Jassi has numbers saved-- first we can discuss with them meanwhile I will KL to get your phone or get new one if the old is lost", said Jaddu rather calmly seeing Virat getting worked up. 

Virat calmed a little, he was comfortable with Jaddu to talk about Rohit's health because he remembered how he had shared that day with Jaddu.

"I will come back in 5 mins, okay?", Jaddu asked trying to know if it was okay for him to go outside, Virat nodded at that. 

Jaddu went quickly to Jassi getting his phone and informed KL about Virat's phone. 

"Here", Jaddu handed Virat the phone.

"Hi Doctor, Virat here"

"Oh hi Virat, I didn't see you that day. Hope all fine with you", Doctor asked and Virat just replied that he was stuck somewhere. 

"Virat as I had told you earlier, while the sessions are going on Rohit had to keep the movement minimal but that day he had literally forced himself which caused the pain. And also he looks really tensed about something, make sure he doesn't have any stress", Doctor informed. 

"And you asked me about the cricket thing, I am afraid Virat the results are still the same, he cannot play", Doctor added to that. 

"Okay thank you", Virat said not knowing what to say more at the moment, they ended the conversation. 

Virat explained everything to Jaddu as he was there patiently waiting, holding Virat's hand to provide the support. 

"Veer, I know it is really tough right now for you to hold on to hope or even-- even life", Jaddu said it with very difficulty. 

Virat looked up at him in surprise as he said that. 

"Don't think about anything but can you please try and hold onto Rohit as your hope to live, see when u left, Rohit immediately tried to get up due to which he was in pain. He wanted to stop you but he could not, you can feel how helpless he must have felt. When he was been taken on the stretcher he saw KL and his shirt full of blood, he knew it was you and he was devastated. Veer you have to be okay together, you have to heal each other from the wounds and the guilt. Right now all I am saying is, let's focus on Rohit's recovery, hold on to him", Jaddu said gently explaining him everything. 

He knew this was majorly gonna help Virat instead of Rohit. 

"You-- you will be here with us?", asked Virat in low voice. 

Jaddu sighed at the request, he knew how Virat needed the assurance and presence of everyone to feel the normalcy instead of feeling that something is wrong with him and everyone came to see him. 

"at every step", Jaddu assured holding his hand. 


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