Part 33. Outburst

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"You don't know? You don't know what we are friends or not?" Rohit asked stressing on each and every word, little loudly, because he had enough, he wanted to know what was going on.

Virat didn't say anything because he just didn't know how to feel about it. His mind was so blur regarding everything, he just couldn't convey anything.

Jaddu, Mahi, Ash and Bhuvi who were in the hall came in the room listening to Rohit's unusual loud voice.

"Virat, I am talking to you? You don't want to know what happened? You don't want to tell what is going on with your life? Why didn't you go home for 8 months? Why are you not with the team?" Rohit literally yelled.

"You are not home for 8 months!" asked Mahi shocked by that info.

Rohit closed his eyes in anger, he opened and said, "Bhai, you don't know this? Why?"

"Because he left us-- just like you did" Jaddu said interrupting Rohit's outburst of emotions.

Rohit and Virat both looked at Jaddu. Virat didn't hold the gaze, he immediately looked away.

"What?" Rohit asked hesitantly.

Ash and Bhuvi tried to stop Jaddu but he didnt listen to them.

"Okay I am holding it for long now-- so let me say it out"

"Jad please" Ash requested him once again.

"No not today Ash!"

Jaddu turned to Rohit and Virat, "Ro you want to know what I mean right? So listen, you both ran away— I am not gonna sugar coat anything. This is the truth. Something happened between you two or related to you two due to which Rohit is in this condition today or I should say a year. But instead of talking to us and sharing with us, Rohit you chose to run away" said Jaddu bitterly but Rohit could feel the emotions behind it.

Bhuvi was gonna stop Jaddu but Mahi held his hand indicated that let him talk and let it out.

"You were not there, do u have any idea what it did to us? No u don't but Virat did, he knew what we were going through. Instead of being with us, he also ran away. Ran away like a coward, from everyone, left the team, left us alone"

"Now today, when we are here, I am here and I want to know what happened to my friend— Virat is saying us to keep quiet. Why? Why both of you always think of yourselves and each other and not others. You hurt us and then you expect us to accept everything and behave how you both want. Let me tell you this can't continue"

"I will come back here when you are ready to share what happened Rohit. Now it's up to you to decide what do you want?" Jaddu said finally releasing the breath and then left the room, also left the outhouse.

"We will let you two think, as much as his words were harsh and some were unnecessary— he is somewhere right" Mahi said and left the room with Ash and Bhuvi.

Tears fell from Rohit's eyes as they left the room. He looked at his legs and felt more vulnerable than ever.

Rohit looked up and saw Virat standing there with glass of water.

"Take it, I know it's a lot, u need it" said Virat making him drink water so that he could calm himself.

Once done, Rohit held his hand and made him sit on the side of the bed.

"What do you feel about whatever Jaddu said" asked Rohit directly.

Virat actually didn't know what to feel about it. It was nothing new he heard. Once Anushka called and told him that he ran away. He had heard Jaddu telling him that he was selfish. Bhuvi's eyes telling him to stay. He just felt that everything is repeating in his head. So today, it was nothing he felt.

"Vi" called Rohit softly.

Virat took a deep breath and said, "Honestly, nothing, I feel nothing"

Rohit was shocked to know that.


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