Heroes of My Universe: Character Logos, New Title Design, and More

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It has been a while since I did updates for my original story here on Wattpad, and I have to say this, I am still going on this story improvement as of the time I made this post.

And I have a lot to say about.

First off, sorry if I have been so inactive those months before. I've been busy on many things, sometimes managing my account and the fan group I made on DeviantArt. I mean, I do use the site to share some of my art, but if I have to say something, it's a bit overwhelming with all those "problems" there, and I think of some plans to make my experience there better. Yep.

But if you are still worried about me being inactive, don't worry. I still use this to share some of my art as well as the stories I've made, and yeah, it can be a bit okay mostly.

So, about that title I said about.

I have recently been through a recovery stage and that I started to continue my passion for art. Since my "Heroes of My Universe" story was three years old now and that it needed some new artworks to upgrade it, I have decided to do so, and for that, I got to work again.

I have several other unfinished projects that I have as of now, but the focus here is to update my original story that's been mentioned, and that's that. (I'm not talking about by literal book project, that's for later, I'm afraid.)

About that, I have made new character designs for the book, and they are in the form of logos, transparent PNGs of circle images with the character being mentioned inside. I have them made over several days, most of the time was recovery or pure laziness, but I managed to finish it all before the end of March.

They are in the same color scheme as the original pictures that were seen on the book before I replaced them (yes, I had updated them to the book, no thanks to you though). And asides the character mentioned on each one, it has their name on the corner, and the flag that represents their country of origin or significance. But, the only difference is that the background design of the logos have additional pictures, showing their favorite things, attributes, and even items of interest that links to their characteristics.

I have all 12 of them being posted on my DA account, with full description on each of them, but, for the sake of making this post short (and not waste more book parts for this one), I decided to have them all posted here with a brief description of each one, along with their Hero Role, signature color, and the country they represent.

I'll have more art asides that, but I can't tell you here unless you scroll down to learn more about them.

I guess that's all for now.

Here are all the Character Logos made for "Heroes of My Universe":


Sandra Lee Hudson
Hero Role: creator, storyteller, co-leader
Signature Color: cyan
Countries Represented: Philippines, United States

Sandra, the witty and smart Filipino-American child born in the States, has been the one that the world wants to bring her creations to life and help save the Fictional Worlds from being taken down by an evil cult from the future. Her unique creativity and determination is what makes her the Hero that started everything. After all, who's going to blame her?

 After all, who's going to blame her?

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