(POEM) A Fan's Confession

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Just a poem to show you guys.

Here's my take on how I feel as a fan, and of how other people's headcanons and fanons had affected my beliefs on my favorite franchises.

Let's see if you can relate.


What is a fan to do
When she sees someone else's point of view?
Of the same franchise she loves
Which in someone else's head
Is another story to tell?

It could be a romantic ship
Or a friendship adventure.
Or a fantasy world with magic.
It could also be a twisted one.
Horror and gore.
Or exploring the dark sides of the mind.
Anxiety and depression.
Action and violence
Or the darn nasty we shouldn't say about.

Or it could be on the bright side.
Like meeting new friends in new worlds.
Canon mixed with fanon.
OCs meet with the original ones.
Or showing gender identities
Like lesbians or bisexuals.
Perhaps some animals too.

It could be different from the canon
Or set place in a new one.
Some continue from the ending.
Some continue in the middle.
Others start off in a different way.

A fictional world in someone else's mind
Is a problem for another fan.
When their world they think is the only one in their head
Was just one of many others in this world?
When the story they share
Was different among several others?
A conflict is brewing in a fan's mind.
Jealousy. Envy. Anger.
Willingness to destroy that person's beliefs.
Thinking that hers is better than theirs.
Trolling to blame them over her fears.
Shaming her own work for not being good enough.
The struggle to support her own favorites.

But –

They didn't realize
They feel the same as we are.
Some faced it and loved their work.
Some stayed away and spew jealousy.
Some are just plain crazy.
And a few
Have mental health problems.
Like autism or ADHD.

It doesn't matter what we make.
There are storytellers.
There are artists.
There even are some bloggers.
It was a world full of possibilities.

We are fans.
We like what we make.
People are divided on
Whether they like other people's work
Or hate them and like their own
Like a self bias.
Which is why we only have a few followers.
We love what we like.
That is the truth.

We're not good enough
If we think that way.
We're supportive.
We love what we make.
Sharing it was just as okay.
Befriending other fans is okay, too.
Sharing our own stuff.
Get the support you want to others.
Why stay shy and act lazy
When you can go share what you have?
If that fan makes you jealous
Why not talk to her?
Kindness is enough for them.

I have been there.
I am a fan.
I create my own stuff.
I was jealous of other people's ideas.
I was friendly otherwise and loves to share a lot of things.
I have deep issues, including trust.
I am shy and nervous.
And I don't mind being nice.
I don't like trolls.
I support others, even if I don't.
I love what I love.
I like what I like, too.
And also
I love my favorite things above all.

Perhaps it's time I'll try facing my fears.
If I hadn't been so nervous
This poem was never written at all.
Doesn't matter.
We all have been there.

The confession is over.


What do you think?
Let me know with a vote.

That is it for now. Stay tuned for more updates.

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