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(Warning: Emotional content. Read it you dare.)

Dear NerdyUnicorns101,

I have some many things to say to you, but first, let me know that I have been crying the time I wrote this.

Since I first met you on New Year's Eve 2020, I have been that lonely and unnoticed. Haven't got any friends and only responded to people who read and respond to my stories. When you became my follower, I have been happy that you engage to some of my stories and that's what makes me have the motivation to write more books.

Since then, we've been through DMs between ourselves, as I share out my ideas and you respond to them back, and that delighted me. I mean, yeah, I am glad I made a friend, and my world went a bit brighter.

Since that day, I have made four more books, one that came from an idea we shared through our DMs, one original, one Among Us fanfic, and even this book. You came and interacted to each of them, though my original didn't get any much reads and so does on my AU fanfic, and to me, it was enough that someone interacts and that's my happiest moment of all.

Oh yeah, I can't forget the time where I helped you on your problems and I gave you advises that makes you feel a bit better. Like the time you think your books are garbage, and I made a chapter regarding that so you understand that all of us here have that same problem.

Then the moment came.

The time you went to say that you're leaving here. Which is now.

Let me replay this:
- you said that everyone was bashing you here because your stories are trash, or something else.
- you said that nobody notices you.
(I get it! We are all busy, and that doesn't mean you're left out! I have been like that, too, and it's because college was more important!)
- you said that you're moving to AO3 because they get more attention than this here. I know, everyone was moving on! (When will you move on from seeking attention?)

I'm sorry, but I have lots of emotions at this point.

Look, we've been through tough times and happy times (like the time I made covers for your Unikitty fanfics), and I get it, I am experiencing the same ideas as you were and felt glad that I did, because that's what it is.

I am so happy to find such a person who somehow shares the same interests and talent as me, though I have more talent on writing, no offense, and I did.

When I heard you're leaving, I...



... okay, I'm deeply emotional.



Let me tell you these:

- I can keep tabs on you on AO3, but since I was still into studies than others, I might not be active much often.

- I'm sorry if I hadn't keeping tabs on you here, especially on your announcements. I was supposed to do this, but I have my reasons and if that hurted you (sigh), I understand.

- I'm glad that someone was there to appreciate me.

- I will become inactive on this book and I will rarely post any announcements and ideas to share right here. There will be less chapters than usual, no mentions, no new requests, no nothing. If I can, I will post it once a week. And of course, you won't be there to react to my posts and no votes will be given that were from you.

- My life on Wattpad will be inactive, and maybe find new fandoms to interact with and even some new friends.

- I will rarely post new stories.

- There will be no one to talk to on my DMs.

- My announcements will never be seen.

- My ideas will never be shared.

- Yet, I can make a few stories on AO3, if I have the time for them.

I get it.

This have left a deep impact on my life here on this site, and leaving the place will make me inactive here (except if I can find new friends). I'm very sorry.

But, overall, I'm glad you moved on. You have a new fandom you liked, you have been seen a lot on AO3, Discord and other websites you're in, your stories are there and you just made new friends. Not compared to my own life as a loner who only made friends through the Internet and have no one to see all my ideas or share all my art to others. And I understand you have a life outside the digital wirorld and have a family that care that much for you.

I'm happy for you.



(About the stories, don't delete them, but rather, leave the site and never interact with them. If you close the site for good, not only your personal info will be gone, but also your stories that you posted here will be deleted forever. There might be other people that read them and never interact that are out there looking for new stories to ease themselves out of boredom.

If you could, you can transfer them to AO3 as separate chapters and post them there, regardless if they're unseen or not. Or make back-up files of each story as document forms into a storage device, like your phone or computer. (I already did with mine in case I'm hacked or need to move to a new fan site.)

And I might find another way to interact with you sometime, but not for now, you know why.


(nothing to say here)

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