STORY SERIES: If US Presidents Played Among Us (Part 6)

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Part Six: A Slice Right to Love

Bill couldn't believe what Joe had done to him. He really did killed him, but the way he was distracted… It made him rant his anger to himself.

Tom then arrives in MedBay, who have passed through the walls to check on the other surviving players. Seeing another one dead was upsetting, at least to himself.

Ghost Tom (to Bill): Why are you shouting such nonsense like that? Have you understand proper manners, son?

Ghost Bill (still upset): Can you believe it, Tom? Joe tricked me! All this time, he was that nice to everyone, got me talking about his job, and then BOOM! Had me stabbed in my head! Ouch! (grasps his forehead) Why would he do this to me…?

Ghost Tom: I know, I feel you. Convincing enough that John knew about Jack being a murderer, but it was also obvious Joe was also an Impostor, if logic says of his actions.

Ghost Bill (stops worrying and turned to Tom): Wait, how do you know again?

Ghost Tom: Common logic, that's the answer.

Ghost Ricky Nix (stepping in, floating closer to the two of them): Ah, why bother? I admit, Joe was that better than that darn Jack… And learn to move on, bud. We're already finished our tasks and you still haven't done your last one yet.

Ghost Bill (to Ricky Nix): I'm already done, Rick.

Ghost Tom: Agreed. To me, a simple crash course was enough for the ghosts here to know what to do after death.

Ghost Bill (to Tom): You don't mean you taught them how, right?

Ghost Ricky Nix (quits and starts to leave): Forget it. Come on, Bill. Let's go to Storage.

Bill really want to object, but he has to anyway, leaving no choice but to follow him and watch him work in Storage.

Ghost Bill (to himself): Couldn't get any worse than this…


In Dubya, MW and Joe's POV

MW has woken up from her nap at Cafeteria and settles down for a strawberry smoothie, slurping while heading to Admin to upload her data as a last move to her task list.

While she did, Dubya steps in, holding his tablet and seemingly doing a digital sketch of his dog Miss Beasley.

MW (turns to Dubya): What are you doing, W? Aren't you supposed to finish your tasks?

Dubya (focused on the tablet, not listening): Okay, a little draw here, a bit over there…

MW then felt ignored at what she did.

MW (shouts): Hello…! Are you done with your tasks?

Dubya didn't even pay attention, and after the upload task was finished for her, she went in, splashing the smoothie onto his white spacesuit pants.

That triggered him into stopping his sketch and look at what MW had done to his suit.

Dubya (turning angry): What did you do now?

MW (furious): Do I have to say that to you? And have you done your tasks already!?

Dubya (now furious, as well): I'll have you…!

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