I Defeated the Greatest Online Mind Reader with my Own Name!

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Hey, have you ever played "Akinator"?

Where, you know, he goes into thinking of a real or fictional character through a series of guessing questions and that it figures out who that was, anyway?

I know, if you played it, I have to be honest, many people were shocked when they guessed the characters they're thinking about.

And I have been there, too.

So what? I have been looking it up on the internet and that so many people are hooked into it for a lot of times now. I mean, you really can't deny a created fictional character who can guess almost everything and everyone on the internet.

And that it was so good at guessing characters or people that I've been duped by the first time I played it.

Like, I'll tell you how that happen.

(And one more thing - I didn't have any pictures of what happened, since I was playing it in incognito mode on the browser, can't take screenshots of it, so I am sorry if there aren't pictures in this post.)


So, it's all starts with Google.

Then I typed in "Akinator". It was already on top of the search prompt results, which means it's already very popular.

Then, I opened up the website (or rather, its mobile version of it.)

Like seriously, I could just go download the app directly on Google Play, but no, I don't wanna spend my mobile data on those mind reading games that were on those things.

So I went on with the mobile browser instead.

And trust me, what happened next upon playing for the first time, it really shocked me.

Firsthand, I thought about my favorite character from Lego Movie, Emmet. I had him go off with the basic questions from "Is your character a real person" to "Is your character come from a movie". I went to the part when the Akinator genie knew what I'm thinking of, apparently going through more questions, until this shows up:

"Is your character made of Legos?"

My mind went, "WHAT THE F---?" (It's an actual reaction)

I answered yes, and boom.

Akinator knew who I was thinking of.

I felt being duped.

I even said it myself! "I've been duped! What!?"

Okay, moving on.

I eventually went to think of the other characters in the movie such as Lucy, Rex and even Unikitty (to which he got them all right, don't blame him for that). And I even went on to test out onto real people, too, such as my favorite president (can't say who it was), my favorite movie stars (Adam Sandler was one of them), some YouTubers I like, and even political figures such as Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

But, even the mind reader can be duped.

For once, I went to try and guess him of Rishi Sunak (the current UK Prime Minister) and that during the guessing process, I clicked the answers wrong (hey, blame my very fat fingers). Akinator knew what I was up to and went to guess who it was, until the search result came up with **** (I forgot who it was). And somehow, it gave me an option to either continue or not. I chose "no".

And when the names for the search results came up, I found his name along with it, and yep, he gets duped. I felt satisfaction on my head right as he did, to which I even said, "Ha ha, he's been duped!"

As such, I will tell you on to how I defeated the Akinator with my own name.


Let's start with the basic ones. He first asked the basic questions, such as if the character I'm thinking about was a YouTuber (I have a YT account, but I wasn't active often) or if the character was a female.

And I went to answer yes on some questions, such as "Does your character have magic powers" (the magic pencil, duh), "Is your character your own creation", "Is your character associated with a movie" or "Is your character animated".

Somehow, I went to answer a lot of "no" on most questions, and soon enough, the results ended up with Akinator telling me that the character I'm thinking of was an OC (original character), and the photo related to it was more of a Japanese animated character.

I said, "Heck no, that can't be the one he's referring about." I mean, he might be thinking of a character that only he understands. It could, because people have been thinking a lot about their original characters and none even know what their names were.

So I gave him a challenge. I thought to myself, "Hey, Akinator did knew it was an OC, but can he guess the name of the OC I was talking about?"

That's what I did.

I decided to continue the challenge.

He went to guess some more questions. Right to the point that he repeated some questions and even say some very ridiculous ones, such as "Is your character creates songs about food?"

Surely, he even speaks of questions that says if my character was related to a series of TV shows or movies or even video games. I answered no to most of them, "probably" or "don't know" on some of them, and one time on "probably not." And yeh, I have him know of those things by saying yes.

He even went to the point that he asked if my character was a Gacha Club character. Yeh, I still have Gacha Club, I still have my created characters on it, and, well, that did went to the point that he talked to me in more than 80 questions already.

And when his second guess goes to "your Gacha Club character", I figured out that it was totally wrong. It wasn't what I'm thinking about. So I decided to end his thinking with a "no".

When that happens, I went to type my own fictional persona name, "Missy Sarah Writer", and he showed me a list of suggestion prompts if it relates to my own name. I clicked on "My character wasn't on this list" and that's it.

Then, by the point that he asked who I was thinking of, I went to add my own name and what the description was (Fictional persona/OC) and that's it.

He really have been duped by my own name.

Well, it turns out that by adding in a character that he never knew, he will eventually use it in the next time someone else tries to guess someone they think of. And what's even better?

My name becomes a very rare character! And the only one in the site!

So the next time I found someone trying to guess their OC on YouTube, I will go laugh when Akinator told them of my own name instead of what they're thinking of.

Heck, that's one way to make a small step towards being popular.


I think that's it for the storytelling.

What do you think? Are there any stories you wanna share to me about you playing Akinator and got duped a lot the first time? Let me know in the comments.

And don't forget to vote if you can, too.

Ok, MW out.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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