STORY SERIES: If US Presidents Played Among Us (Part 2)

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(Note: Remember all the colors of each player in this chapter. It's essential that the Presidents must be identified easily. In case you hadn't known who they were and what color they chose, go back and read Part One again.

And oh yeah. I forgot that Frankie's color was tan.)

Part Two: The Start of All Murders

As the game starts and all Presidents (plus a civilian) are gathered around the meeting table in Cafeteria, all woke up to see they're inside a different place.

All went into awe as they looked around, and felt like they're inside a game for sure.

GW (in a sincere voice): Gentlemen, welcome to the Skeld.

All Presidents: Wow…

Dubya (awed at the view): Whoa, if my dad was alive, he may have the same reaction, too.

Bill: I agree. Too bad Hillary can't come with me here.

Teddy (curious about the location): George, can you explain a little about this place, so we can understand what is going on?

GW (smiles, pulls out his tablet and showed the map of the Skeld): This is where you all are. Each of you have tablets with the map on them. Those yellow exclamatory points are task areas you need to go.

MW (adding in): You may have known what to do, right? Who reads and understands all the instructions for this game?

All raised hands except Ronnie, Don, Teddy and Old Hick.

Ronnie: I only know on the roles of a Crewmate. Not on the Impostor.

Don (in denial): Not gonna play with you perverts.

GW (serious): Okay, that's four out of 15, and I suggest the others stick with your partner to help you with the tasks around here.

Ricky Nix (repulsive on actions): I'm not going to partner up with any of them. Not even you, Jack.

Jack: Oh, now you're blaming me again for it, Rick?

Joe (calms everyone down): Guys, that's enough. At least most of us know about this game anyhow, so can we just go on and do our tasks without any complaints? (To GW) And you knew the game better than anyone else.

GW (nodding): Totally agree on this.

MW (remains close to Joe, pulling her tablet out): Good thing you'd told them they have to get used to the game first… (stops suddenly, realized she's wasting time) Maybe we should go now. Nevermind what I said.

Joe: You heard the girl.

GW: I think that's all for now. And never worry about the tasks, they're easy to manage. Now, all of you go!

All Presidents then left the table, except for Don, who remained standing near the button and feel like not playing at all.

Don (to himself): It's all nonsense. It's rigged. If anyone wants to stop me, that'll be me, and I do mean me! (laughs) Man, I can't wait to fool anyone here.


In Dubya, Ronnie and Teddy's POV

In Admin, Ronnie felt confused about the task list he had. Gladly enough, Dubya came in to help him out.

Ronnie (while looking at task list) …uh, "swipe card"? Is that even a task?

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