Working on a Book Cover Request, and a Title Design Preview

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So recently here, I have received a announcement message from a friend here on Wattpad about a book cover update, and I felt like accepting the challenge.

That Jan 13, a follower named PepperRavenBat, one that accidentally muted me while I sent her a private message (forget that), had announced sometime before that date, she was looking for a cover update for her first Unikitty fanfiction book, "Broken & Frozen".

(In case you didn't know it or hadn't read it, visit her account and snoop for it. You'll see it.)

I can't say the description here, privacy reasons, but I'll say that she was doing so after one of her friend/followers made some sort of notebook and pencil sketch for the book cover of that same story. It's a bit outdated (since 2018), I can tell, it's kinda a bit ugly.

After a private conversation with her, I had told her that I'm a good book cover artist and would volunteer to make a digital cover upgrade for it. She agreed with my idea, since I had made the covers for "The Birthday that Ended it All" and "Coming Together", both written by my friend NerdyUnicorns101. "TBTEIA" itself later became popular since the cover was published.

I have to say, I have been thinking of what the cover should be for a full several hours since the acceptance, and had worked out a draft title for the story. When I say "draft", it means that it's not official, as I would change the design when necessary (if the author favors it).

Gonna tell, I can do a sketch with a pencil already, and this is what I came up right now:

Gonna tell, I can do a sketch with a pencil already, and this is what I came up right now:

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So you see, this will be the unofficial title design for the book itself.

The title font will be in bold, 3D-like shapes, with the broken heart placed at the center for the ampersand (&). The two Os will show different designs in the middle to reflect the word meanings: the O in Broken will show cracks (as with the other letters showing smaller ones), and the O in Frozen will show a white snowflake inside a bluish ice crystal shaped like a gem, with the other letters showing some icicles hanging down the open spaces.

The color scheme of the letters, as I said it unofficially, will be darker at the top and lighter at the bottom, just to reflect the change the antagonist (Germafrost) had made after encountering Unikitty. I'm thinking of darker grayish pale blue for the top (Broken), a lighter pale ashy cyan/bluish color for the middle, and a lighter pale whitish blue for the bottom (Frozen). The gem will remain in aquamarine blue with the snowflake inside being a bit paler due to the color refraction.

The broken heart will be in pinkish red shades, with darker red for the cracks and a cream white shade for the ampersand. The outline of the heart will be a bit of snowy silver.

The background of the title itself will look as if it's covered in clear transparent ice, except for a pale pinkish light at the bottom of the ice to show Unikitty's arrival to change his life.

The lines for the letters itself, I'm thinking dark gray to reflect the bitterness inside the antagonist's devastated eyes.

"A Unikitty Fanfic" will be shown on the bottom instead, with the words, if it's included, having different colors to show the other characters. There's a bit of burnt orange for Dr Fox, army green for Hawkodile, regular pink for Unikitty, some gray for Rick and a bit of blue for Puppycorn.

The words "Book One of the Made to Love Series" will be in an arch at the top instead, but in small font. (I plan to make it bigger to make it visible in the thumbnail pic of it.) That will be moved somewhere in the final version.

At the top of the title (being in ice), I added a sheet of snow on top, and Germafrost's crown and horn (also not included in the final version) was added. In the final version, if I guess here, Crystalline will be shown in ghost form shedding tears that turn to snowflakes on the sides, surrounded with a broken heart outline behind her to show her depressed heart after the breakup from her crush (upon realizing he was married to someone else). The snow will be placed with gems that have colors relating to the characters in the story.

Okay, that's all for the title.

About the book cover design, I have four versions planned for that, each one being different in terms of the character placement, additional details and background type. I'll make the sketches for the four versions soon, but I'll say, Germafrost, Unikitty, Crystalline, and the Foxodile couple will be there. The title will remain the same. The names for the author and artist will remain, but in different places depending on the final version.

So I guess I had said enough. Gonna trust me, it's not what you think it's gonna be, since the cover itself will be made in an old computer and using Microsoft Paint (if you had seen most of the covers in my books). If that's not a bold choice, then maybe I'll try to improve my art, since that's the only digital art program I had and mastered with.

Hey Pepper, if you wanted to make some changes for the art and to say anything about the title design (you are a critic, if I am right), you have to tell me in the comments. I can try to accept changes if you wish.

For the rest of you, well, I kinda have to do this to fill up my Book o' Randoms a little bit.

That's all for now, folks. More updates coming soon, stay tuned.

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