HEROES OF MY UNIVERSE UNITED Personality Quiz: Which Hero are You?

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So I have been doing some interesting topics on the Internet lately and found an idea to make myself a personality quiz.

Wait - what?

Yeah, I know you, bud. You hadn't been into those personality quizzes of that kind, but I have been lately making one for you guys to share yourselves with.

And this time, I made this quiz based on the characters from my original story, "Heroes of My Universe: United!".

So the choices are based on the personalities of each of the characters featured in the story. And hey, you don't need to read my book to take this quiz! You can take it if you want to, because it can be relevant to you! And there are no right and wrong answers, just relevant ones.

Here are the rules:
1) Choose what seems to be your best choice on each of all 25 questions, either it'll be A, B, C, or D.
2) Write down the choices on a piece of paper (so you will know what choices you picked and to correct any mistakes you made)
3) Be sure you have all the honest answers.
4) Once done at the end, copy the answers and paste them via a comment in the comment section below. That way, I will be calculating the answers and choose which character is related to you. Don't make any comment around the questionaire or I'll have them deleted. You can comment directly in the comments section.

Okay, ready for the quiz? (Uh, if you notice something wasn't right, it's because it's a prototype test.)


1. What kind of book genre would you prefer to read in a library or online?

A. Adventure
B. Action
C. Romance
D. Horror

2. Have you been social or unsocial to everyone you know, including your family, friends and everyone else you trust? How active are you?

A. Socially active
B. Social but not active
C. Unsocial
D. Unsocial yet still active

3. How warm or cool are you based on your attitude?

A. Warm
B. Warm yet slightly cool
C. Cool yet slightly warm
D. Cool

4. What kind of season reflects your personality?

A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Autumn/Fall
D. Winter

5. If you have been given an invitation for an event that you didn't know about, what are you going to say to the one who gave you the invitation?

A. "Absolutely, I'll accept the invitation!"
B. "I'll think about it."
C. "What is it about?"
D. "Absolutely NOT!"

6. If you have been scared of something that wasn't physical in appearance, what would it be?

A. A certain loss (of something important)
B. Failure on certain aspects
C. An unknown threat that you didn't know
D. A known threat that you encountered before

7. If you have been given one food category to eat for a day, what would it be?

A. Fruits
B. Vegetables
C. Meats/Meat Products
D. Baked Breads/Carbohydrates

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