Working on a Book Cover Request: The Final Surprises

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After days of work and stuff in between, the one I've finally have requested to make a book cover for one of my friends has finally finished.

And I have lots to say about it.

First stop, sorry if I hadn't posted anything for days. College life really gets me, and I gonna admit, it kinda makes me a bit depressing on so many things to handle, especially if those reasons (or anything for that matter) were kinda personal in my point.

Second, I have been such a lazy *** teen. Sorry if I hadn't made it much sooner.

And third, I finally have picked up to finish the whole thing for a day and a half, and blame my bored for this.

And yeah, I do have lots to share about. Maybe I have been into music and movies and some random stuff I was into while I'm off Wattpad. Duh, nothing to blame about.

(Hold up, MW - what are you talking about?)

Okay, rewind!

That January 15, a follower of mine, PepperRavenBat, has requested her audience to make a new cover for her first Unikitty fanfic, "Broken & Frozen", and that time, I have talked to her about this and I agreed to help out.

I mean, I am a good book cover artist (and author, duh) and have been making covers for my own stories and even some on my old friend NerdyUnicorns101 with her own Unikitty fanfics. (Especially if she's into TGAMM now and moved to AO3 to continue her writing influence, I kinda supported that.) And even if that was now some sort of past-time after my college studies, I kinda get much into it again.

And since then, my boredom suddenly kicks in. Well, in case you didn't know, my earphones broke (one of my WORST CASE SCENARIOS I can face), and with them being broken, how am I supposed to listen to music and work my butt off!? Music is what energizes me to make stories, and also on my art in some cases, so what?

Yeah, the silence can eventually make my laziness even worse. And with no music to cheer me up or make me alive inside, that was the case. I'm tired of listening to boring stuff on TV. That's it.

Gladly enough, my mom eventually knew what I'm into that she brought me a new pair of earphones, and even if the quality of it was a bit bad, I enjoyed it - and my cheer to make art gets me back into Wattpad. Again.

That's the case, because March 15 later, I have been working to finish what I have been requested before by my friend: the digitalized cover for B&F.

So, I have posted three chapters of the same title on this book, with the first one being a title design preview (and it's all a draft, by the way). Pepper kinda likes it, and that time, I have lots of ideas for the cover design. Days of pencil sketches later, the next two chapters came in: The Four Variants (Parts 1 and 2).

In those two chapters, I have posted four sketches of the cover design for B&F: Magazine, Poster, Novel and Symbolic. (In case you don't know much about them, go back to the chapter list and you'll find them. Or maybe I'll put links of the chapters in the comment bubble next to this paragraph, if I used my PC again.) Of all four designs she picked, she chose Symbolic, and it's because she likes it, plus it's related to her requests and "matches the story I'm going to make", so I kinda accepted that.

Gonna say, making a book cover really gets me. You know it takes me days (skip the days where I don't have my earphones to listen to music) to make one.

And yet, I have other projects I made for the same topic while I'm making the book cover. I'll show it to you right now, but before that, I have to tell you this: these were made days while I took my break from making the cover.

Missy Writer's Book o' Randoms: Arts, Ideas and MoreOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora