Chapter 64

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Everybody had a good time leaving miss. Barbera's house except me. I tried to maintain a fake smile as my past tried to vaccum me in. Varonica , Rebecca and Aria promised to visit them again, as miss. Barbera addressed them as her daughters. When she spoke about her life, seems like Cindy was an adopted daughter of hers. Her husband died two months after their wedding. She loved him so much that she never decided to marry again. Deep down I knew that if me and James were together and I lost him I would've done something similar to her.

Steve dropped Veronica and Rebecca at the cemetery, to take their cars from there and drive back home. As Steve was driving me home, I had a very dull expression on my face. It was very noticeable.
"Babe I understand, it's all really complicated for you at this point, but I really want to help you out, can I stay back in your house today? "
I nodd slowly, I'd really prefer company.
"Steve I can't make it to your concert in Miami, I need time to mourn" I told him.
"I know, I totally understand" He said looking dull.
"I'm really sorry" He said.
"It's not your fault Steve, I love you okay? " I said maintaining eye contact with him. He seemed convinced. If he's not I'm ready to tell that sentence over and over again.

When we reached house, dad patted Steve's back, and he stretched out his lips forming a convincing smile. As of for me dad held my hands together.
"Is your journey over my little girl? "
"Yes , I smile at him."

I went to my room looking through the window, the sun was starting to set. My mind immediately pictured the paintings James had made.

"Coffee? " Steve said as he brought one for both of us.
I nodd,
He sat opposite to me resting his palm on his head and sipped his coffee with another.
"Want to talk" He said looking at me.
Shook my head saying no.
He nodded.
"I'm leaving to Miami tomorrow morning, let me know if you ever change your mind, concert is day after " He said.
"I'm not changing my mind" I said.
He nodded, giving me a one last glace before he walked out of my room.

Next morning, steve was gone I got ready and sat back for breakfast.
"You're not going to the concert? " Dad ask me chewing his salad.
"No dad, I can't, I feel so overwhelmed".
" What have I told you Leah? Never make choices based on your feelings but make them based on your responsibilities. It's more of what you are supposed to do than what you feel like doing, Steve is your future family. I think you should go and encourage him, like you always do."  Dad said.
"I'll think about it" I said as I walked to my bedroom looking at the ceiling, everything felt really gloomy. There's still plenty of time to make it upto Steve.

There's plenty of time.

I immediately remember that verse from the letter. That haunted me. I'm wrong in a human life there's nothing called plenty of time, he's here one day and disappears the other. I have to make it upto him right now.
I check out the flight tickets, there wasn't any available for today, but tomorrow, I had a flight that landed an hour before the concert started. I booked it.

I rush to pack my clothes , and prepare things for tomorrow's concert. I looked for tickets available, seems like I'll have to blend in with the crowd this time. My special ticket would've been sold to someone else since I cancelled the plans unfortunately.

The next day afternoon I booked a cab and I got down with my luggage.
Dad looked at me and he smiled.
"That's my daughter, now that's what I expect from you".
I smiled back.
" I'm in a hurry I have to leave" I tell him and gave him a bearhug. I rushed to the airport to check in. Throughout my journey in the flight, I listened to Steve's latest album, pushing my thoughts of past behind, he's my future, and I can't let my past ruin the relationship I have with the man I'll be spending rest of my life with.

I checked out of the airport, and rushed to get a cab, and checked in , the hotel steve said he was staying in. I quickly changed my clothes, I wore a black boat neck top and khaki cargo pant, because I know Steve was going with the same colour combination. Black leather jacket, khaki cargi pants and silver chains, and black shirt on the inside with ripped gloves. I wore a high raised pony tail , a little bit of make up,  cooling glasses and my back leather jacket.

"Leah you look gorgeous today" I tell myself in the mirror, by the time my other cab arrived I was ready with my purse and everything I needed  for my concert night. I wore a mask so that people in the crowd don't notice me. They should be well aware that I'm his fiance. After the concert I'll meet up with him and make it up to him probably say a few encouraging words.

Once the cab dropped me off, I found my way into the crowd, the stage was enormous, and people had glow sticks , his merch, the crowd went crazy when he entered the stage. The lights went on and off. There were too many people I was barely noticeable, I was probably a drop in the ocean of people who were singing along to his song. So many people admire him, and so do I. So many people don't know who he really is. But I do, I'm so greatful to have met such a man in my life I don't deserve.
Some call it luck but I call it
I pushed through the crowd and made it near the stage. I'm so glad that nobody noticed me, maybe the mask did the job.
I felt relaxed until one of them screamed my name .
"That's his finacé".

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